First, and foremost, I want you guys to know that I have no idea what I’m doing. I don’t have a set theme, I more than likely won’t be blogging EVERY day, but I hope it entertains you anyway.
When Tony and I were first married and living in Arnoldsville, GA, just outside of Athens, we were figuring out life. Tony and I both had jobs at the vet school and I was in the process of applying to be a vet student myself. I was out in the ridiculously hot Georgia summer, cutting my grass with a push mower (all we could afford), which in the late summer time was more like pulverizing ash (also just trimming the onion grass and dirt). I was wearing jeans just to protect my legs from the jet propelled pebbles of red clay from being imbedded in my legs forever.
Tony was at work at the time. I was out by the mailbox (about 1/10th mile from the house) when a truck pulled up beside me. I tried to ignore it at first in the noise of the mower as I am a naturally reserved person in person in the hopes it would just keep on driving. It didn’t. I looked up and saw a man in a cowboy hat with another guy in the passenger seat staring at me. I let go of the lever and let the mower engine die. “Can I help you?” I said.
In pretty good English, but thick Hispanic accent, he said “I was wondering if you wanted more work.” Me: “I’m quite busy with my own yard, ha ha!” Then he said what every man says to a woman when he wants to instantly grab her attention: “I work at a horse farm down the road”. At the mention of horse farm, I lost all sense of direction. “Horse farm!?! How wonderful! What kind of horses, how many” (etc). He said “well, why don’t you come over and I’ll show you around”.
“No, I can’t, I have a lot of work to do here” He said “Maybe later then, dinner?” Me “no, I have to cook dinner for my husband” Him “husband!?! you’re married, huh?” “yeah.. ” Him “well, maybe if you don’t have plans tomorrow, you can come over for lunch and I’ll show you around then.” I don’t want my readers to instantly judge me as an easy steal, but you have to understand that there were horses to be seen. At a breeding farm. And he said there were babies – HORSE babies! There is also something you need to know about me and that’s that, at this point in my life, I hadn’t learned to say “no” and didn’t want to disappoint this guy who was trying so hard despite my multiple rejections. So, reluctantly, there on the side of an old country road, sweating like a pig with a healthy coating of dirt and smelling of gasoline and onion grass, I agreed to go on a date with a complete stranger.
Something else you’ll come to find about me. I’m honest. I hate to lie, I’d almost go as far as saying I can’t lie, but that would be a lie. I think lies just complicate life and being honest is so much easier. Of course, as soon as Tony got home that night, I spilled my guts. I told him everything that had transpired and how I was obligated to go on a lunch date with this man. Tony just laughed.
The next day, at lunch time, I drove to the farm. He was just finishing up trimming some bushes when I pulled in. He greeted me, then proceeded to show me around the farm. It was a very lovely farm where the owner hosted numerous weddings, and there were, in fact, a couple of horses (three). We went and got lunch at one of the finest establishments in Winterville at the time (gas station Subway) and then came back to the farm to eat and chat. He was a very nice guy and we talked a lot, but my guilt was catching up to me, knowing that he was really looking for a date. So, I did the only thing an honest girl who was already married could do – I told him my sister, who was living with us at the time was single.
She never let me live that one down. After a couple of hangouts and awkward encounters, including a cowboy in a sushi restaurant, we eventually stopped communicating. I think he was just lonely and wanted some friends to hangout with, he eventually went back to Mexico to be with his family, but the language barrier – strike that – the sarcasm barrier between two languages made it very difficult to communicate. I hope he’s doing well and taking care of his family, he was a really nice guy.

Love the posts and respect the honesty; in the end, it’s the best policy!!
You are hilarious and I love your honesty! I am sad you’ve left the Pols practice because I really enjoyed your cases and seeing you work with the animals and their owners. But.. I’m super happy you have a blog now! Yay 😀
I will miss you and Toni. Good luck to you at your new job.
Do you understand some Spanish?
Thank you for starting this blog, Dr. Emily. I was so sad when I heard you weren’t going to be on the show any longer. I had just said to a friend that I hope you never leave the Pols because I thought you were the best doctor there. I love your tenacity and your honest love for all things animal. I will enjoy hearing from you in this latest endeavor.
Truly the first and only time I hope to see someone sipping guiness thru a straw… I’m assuming no arm in the rear end of any of those horses?
Girl, this is one of those stories my daughter would tell me years after the fact and I’d think, thank goodness I didn’t know that at the time! The mother in me thinks, YIKES you could have walked into a really dangerous situation.
I admire your adventurous nature! Your family and life together sound amazingly fun! Good for you!
Thanks for sharing, being real, and putting a smile on my face.
Seattle!!! Just north of me.
I’ve been to Seattle twice, it is a wonderful place to visit. We hiked around Rainier. What a place!!
Why are you up at 0330. Go to bed.
Another good post!! Love your writing!
Tell us about the horses!
You hardly look 👀 old enough to be sipping sudz…….was it good?
Well just my luck. I wrote a long comment to this post and when I clicked comment, I was told my post was blocked because of suspected bot
Guinness through a straw!? And from a Miller Lite glass???!!! OMG NO!
Thanks for putting some light in my life!
Thanks for putting some light in my life!
Will be anxiously awaiting your next blog whenever it comes.
It makes my day. It’s 7.45 Am in the Nederland.
This is my first ever blog that I am following. I am enjoying your posts so far. Thank you for sharing your past life experiences. It allows readers to get to know the real you and not just what we see on television. I am really going to miss you on the Incredible Dr. Pol (you were my….no, you are my favorite) but I know in life that one must move on and have different life experiences. Keep posting!
Another great blog! Love your adventurous spirit. Looking forward to your next blog.
I can’t tell you don’t know what you’re doing. I’m enjoying your stories…they make me smile
OMG, I am sure this is exactly what your Dad taught you to never do.
Another great story, you have a talent for writing
Love your honesty and love your stories.
Loving your blog, and this one cracked me up because it’s exactly what I would of done lol.
I agree with Nancy (above). Keep writing! I’m enjoying your stories.
Thank you for starting the blog. I’m happy to hear about you and your family.
I thought that story was going to end badly..I’m glad it didn’t. 😁
Hi from Alberta, Canada
Well I’m a Georgia Girl and a BIG DAWG fan, and know all the places you speak of as I lived close to them and have breakfast in Athens every Sunday. I really have enjoyed watching you work and watched your family grow. And honesty is always the best policy!!! God bless you and the road you travel.
Have you been to The Grit? it’s a vegitarian resturant with an amazing brunch
Will give it a try thanks
Entertainment success! Another great story, Emily! Found myself chuckling out loud a few times. The gas station Subway, and offering up your sister as an alternative just cracked me up 😂 I try to be honest ( sometimes to a fault ) myself and my wife and I have horses too, so I hope feeling something in common with your readers/fans is party of your hope for your blog!? Thanks again 😊
Thank you for the smiles Dr. Emily. You look so young in these photos. I love reading your blog, today’s brought a smile to my face. Remembering being young and newly married 44 yrs ago, although I never had to cut a lawn that big but I too only had a push mower to use as well.
The more I read the more I think you are the daughter I never had (I have 3 sons) love your honesty and your sense of humor.
Gotta say Dr Emily, I love your sarcastic sense of humour.
In regards to Tony answering questions for you, it makes perfect sense to me.
Love the blog. You’re doing great.
This post was a little weird Emily…just sayn..
Loved it
Great post! Love your sense of humor and honesty! Keep up the good work!
Loved reading your Twitter feeds! At least I think that’s what they are called. No matter-hilarious stories about the kids, hubby etc. keep on writing!
Loved that you went to the horse farm and then tried to hook your sister up with the Horse man! 🤣
I bet she was totally unimpressed!
You only did what a good sister would do…. 💁🏼♀️👩👉🏇
Love the blog. Miss you on Dr. Pol. Love your Instagram. Hello from Kannapolis, NC.
Emily, I’m really enjoying your blog. It’s absolutely brightening my days. Thank you.
Adorei seu blog…. ansiosa pelo próximo…clinica veterinária dr pol…nao cai ter a mesma graça em assistir sem vc….
Me diga uma coisa…..a dr.Brenda tem alguma rede social q eu possa seguir ela???
I have three strong, girly daughters, ages 20, 18 and 9. It is delightful to see you with different hairdo’s on the show. 😀
I got interrupted by one of my strong girly girls mid post. I would like to add that you are a wonderful example of Proverbs 31:25: Strong, dignified and fully feminine.
Thank you for posting. Since I know I won’t see you on the show anymore I enjoy reading your blog during night time breastfeeding. The episode you took all the left over crackers in your mouth and just gave that big grin. I laughed so hard and I believe that’s 100% you and it’s so wonderful. I love to read More about this character here. Little fan from Germany
You are not only an accomplished all-animal vet, but now I see you are an amazing writer, devoted wife and mother and a thespian to boot! I have an idea that you are truly good at anything you take on. Miss you a LOT on Dr. Pol (you are really the female version of him, meaning you never give up and you will treat any animal). You seem to be MEANT for veterinary medicine and I know your new job will love you as much as Dr. Pol’s viewers do. I am tickled to read your blog, you make me laugh out loud, and I hope you find time to continue for a while. Thanks for the giggles!
AIM lol. Those were the days. I chatted with many GF’s with that pre-texting. No better feeling than logging on and waiting for the other person to log on as well.
Hi from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Your earlier life, you and Tony definitely brings back memories of my wife and I going to University and me graduating university with four sons, and a B.A. and a B.Ed. In the late 80s. We worked hard and now I am retired.
Please, please continue to shoot for the stars no matter how crazy work and home life can be. You only have one life to lead. Personally as much as I find Dr. Pol funny and infuriating at times, You and Brenda made that show (sorry Dr. Pol) I have my opinions but that is okay. I think you can carry your own show. You are strikingly transparent, pretty and funny. I wish we saw Tony more on the TADP, to get a deeper feel of him. He strikes me as very funny and a good anchor when needed. You are an excellent Vet! I hope that your work life balance has improved because it is clear to me that you were the one that was often called upon to make those farm calls most often.
I tried drinking a pint of beer through a straw once. I slid off of my seat and landed on my back with the glass upside down on my forehead.
Will miss you on the show but glad I stumbled on your blog. I’m originally from Northern Indiana which weather wise reminds me of Michigan where you worked and lived. I also was raised on a farm and am familiar with everything you encountered while employed with Dr. Pol. Will you be doing large animals and farms at your new position or just small animals in office work? You were really good and confident on the farm calls.
Will miss you on the show but glad I stumbled on your blog. I’m originally from Northern Indiana which weather wise reminds me of Michigan where you worked and lived. I also was raised on a farm and am familiar with everything you encountered while employed with Dr. Pol. Will you be doing large animals and farms at your new position or just small animals in office work? You were really good and confident on the farm calls.
Will miss you on the show but glad I stumbled on your blog. I’m originally from Northern Indiana which weather wise reminds me of Michigan where you worked and lived. I also was raised on a farm and am familiar with everything you encountered while employed with Dr. Pol. Will you be doing large animals and farms at your new position or just small animals in office work? You were really good and confident on the farm calls.
You are so amusing. I love your writing.
I hope you write a book some day about your experiences – like James Herriot! I would definitely buy it. In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy your blog. I hope your big change brings you light and happiness!
I agree, I would definitely by your book. I love reading your blog, I’m a vet and don’t have too many good days. But when I read your blog it makes me smile. So thank you and family.
A book would be great. You have a wonderful honest yet vulnerable way of telling your experiences.