First and foremost, thank you, everyone for subscribing!! We are still trying to figure everything out, so please be patient with us. My husband, Tony, is in charge of running the website and has worked on getting ads added to hopefully help us make a little extra money, but we don’t know exactly what we’re doing, so if (God forbid) something crazy starts happening that is unacceptable or offensive or even annoying, please let us know and we will try to remedy it. My first goal is entertaining and keeping you happy! Also, some of the replies you might get on this site could be Tony. Love you all!!
So, since most of you know me from The Incredible Dr. Pol show, I figured I would give you some back story into how that came to be. I had been working at a mixed animal practice with 50% on call with a egotistical, power hungry boss. Okay, I’ll give you a tiny example – once I was parked at a dairy with the company truck and one of the workers ran into the truck with a tractor, making a smallish 4-5 inch ding in a rear fender. My boss lost his mind and went off on them, me, demanding they pay for it immediately. Mind you, we frequented this dairy 2-3 times a week and it, by itself paid my boss about $20,000 per month in veterinary expenses.
Anyway, I was sick of working there and we were in our second rental house and our landlord had sold the house from underneath us. We had six weeks to move out. I started applying to several different practices locally and across the country. I included in my resume that I was probably going to be having more children. I was honest and open because: 1. That’s who I am and 2. I didn’t want to pick up and move my family to another town or state only to be “let go” and have to move again. My friend, the tech at that clinic I worked pushed me to apply to Dr. Pol when she saw the ad. My first response was “Who would want to live in Michigan!?!?” Having been raised in Georgia and spent the last 2.5 years in South Carolina, Michigan seemed like a stark, desolate wasteland of icy tundra. But, to make her happy (because that’s also who I am) I applied.
My family all went to Colorado that year for Christmas and I hadn’t heard from any of the clinics I had applied for. I was sure I was going to have to go back home and just look for another place to live at my current job and stay there forever. I was standing out on the back porch of the cabin we rented, staring at the stars in the crystal clear sky over the Rocky Mountains and just prayed and prayed (and maybe a little bit of begging) to God to help me and show me the way. I promised Him I would accept whatever He presented to me.
Two days later, I still hadn’t heard anything from other jobs, or from God for that matter, when we were driving home from the Atlanta airport. We had stopped for gas somewhere along the Atlanta Highway for gas when my phone range and it was Dr. Pol. I had not watched the show at all and only knew of it through news articles. I was still star struck, knowing this famous vet wanted me to come interview. I hung up the phone and knew that God had shown me the way.
Another two days and I took a pregnancy test that came up positive. I was thrilled, but then reality hit me when I realized I would have to go interview and admit that I was already pregnant. I considered not telling them, but was, again afraid I would move across country and just have to move back when I got fired for “whatever fits here”. I started my journey to Michigan on a Friday night. Flight got cancelled. Went back Saturday morning, flew to a connecting flight. That flight got cancelled and I had to spend the night at a hotel. I was able to extend my trip into Monday, but had to argue with an airline employee who scolded me for not scheduling an interview flight better, at which I informed her that I had planned on leaving Friday night, and now, because of the lovely airline, would not be flying out until Sunday.
I finally got to Michigan late Sunday afternoon, oooo’ed and awww’ed at all the beautiful snow. Called a real estate agent and asked about a house I had already looked at and finally crashed onto the bed of the hotel. I lay for 2-3 seconds before I mustered up the energy to call Diane Pol and tell her I was here and ready for the interview. During the interview, I eventually informed Diane that I was already pregnant to make sure there was full disclosure.
The next day, I went and saw the house that we ended up buying (which is STILL for sale!!,-MI,-48878_rb/112243628_zpid/) flew home, and found out I got the job a few days later! So, here I am, hopefully still following God’s path. Why did I leave? That will have to be for a later (possibly much later) blog, but I will have to say God works in mysterious ways.

I have been binge watching Dr. Pol and on one episode you helped a lady realize that her dog was sick from garlic powder in a treat. I’ve been raising and helping deliver puppies since I was 15 years old and thats 34 years of delivering about 100 puppies. The youngest is my puppy who is 6 months old and a spitfire. Its amazing the awesome work that all of you do every day. Good Luck on your next adventure!
L❤️VE that you’re blogging and sharing your adventures. I’ve always watched Dr. Pol and that’s how I became such a fan of yours. So excited for your blog!!
Will miss you and your family on the Pol show. You did great on the show and I enjoyed watching you grow .
2 for 2 Dr. Emily! I will surely miss you on Dr. POL, but am really glad to be able to keep up with you and your beautiful family through your new blog!!!!
Thank you for sharing these little personal bits with all of us. 🙂 I hope this new job you have is working out well for you and the family!
I’d like to thank you for letting us into your lives somewhat. It’s really very interesting why people do things sometimes. Life can be strange.
I really already miss you and your family being on the show. You were such a funny caring part of it. Wish you were still there. But I hope whatever you do is successful and makes you all very happy. Hopefully it’s not the last we see of you. Take care.
Welcome to Virginia.
So happy you picked out state.
I am enjoying your blog!!!
Enjoying your blog! I do miss you on Dr Pol though. God bless you and your family!
Nice article I enjoy the shoe
I live in McDonough GA I can’t imagine moving to the (tundra) lol.
I’m right there with you!!!
We have truly enjoyed watching both you and Tony on the show! Like so many before me have stated, we will truly, TRULY miss seeing you educating the young children with their doctor sets, and being the Dedicated and compassionate vet that we could all hope to have for our fur babies! As they say in show biz, the show must go on, HOWEVER, your face and expertise will definitely be missed! That being said, I sincerely appreciate that you have made yourself available to keep up with. That really says a lot about your personality! Yes, I laughed at the brown stethoscope story, as I have a hot pink with rainbow colored bell (I was part of the Rainbow Brite era and love Skittles…I digress) stethoscope for my dialysis patients!!
God has you and your beautiful family in his hands. Many prayers from this small little area in the middle of Nebraska, in your new adventures!!!!! Can’t wait to read more of your blogs!
With whatever immense amount of capacity for perseverance you were born, you arrived at the job with Dr. Pol. Best wishes for 2020, family, house sale, practice, and all!
I also will be sad of your departure with Dr. Pol. You were a joy to watch. Seeing your gift as a Veterinarian you will do well! As long as you hold on to your beliefs in God you will do fine. I am going to miss the little back & forth communication from time to time. I always felt you would be around for a long time to come. God Bless & I truly enjoyed seeing you & your family.
Thank you for sharing your Doctor Pol adventure. Perhaps you will also eventually share why you left Michigan. Your new practice on Virginia looks very large. Are you specialized in a particular discipline. Very glad you started this blog. 🙂
Very much enjoying your blog, but after binge watching Dr Pol’s Marathon, I am very sad that you are leaving. I thoroughly enjoy watching you work and admire your knowledge and skills.
Will continue to follow your adventures through your blog!
See?? Told you we needed daily blogs or 2 a day lol. Great insight! You are one tough woman!! Thanks for sharing and bearing your soul to us! Keep em coming!!
I will light a candle for you and your family before Mass this weekend, that all will be well in 2020.
What an insightful blog! I’m glad you are doing this so that we can still keep in touch with you and your family. 👍 It is disappointing that we won’t be seeing you on future Dr Pols as you have such a neat personality. 😢 Keep the blog going! ❤️
Love your faith and sense of adventure! Thank you for sharing and putting a smile on my face!
I love the way you write it down.
I’m glad I can see you in re-runs if the show.
Keep the blog going. Love it!
Keep the blog going.
I. Like it
I watch Dr. Pol all the time. I will miss not seeing you on the show. I wish you and your family lots of luck in your new position.
Thank you for the blog. I’ve enjoyed seeing you and your family on Dr Pol.
I am enjoying your blog so much! I can’t wait to see where this is headed!
You left? 😕. Where have I been?
Very interesting! Everyone goes through issues like that. Glad things are working out.
Love reading your blog and following you on Instagram! Happy 2020 and can’t wait to read more.
Dr. Emily. So glad I happened to see this. I wondered what happened to you and how you and family are. I really lived watching you on Dr. Pol, how you worked with such ease, patience, etc. You were so funny and that’s really nice in a Vet. So sad you left the show, wish they would do one where you are now, would be nice. You taught me so much about my own animals which ate cats, learned a lot. You and your family take care and wish you all the best of luck, health and life. You keep following God, he will lead you on the tight road.
Take care and cant wait to read more.
God calls us to move sometimes like chess pieces. Part of His plan. Miss seeing you on DR Pol!
God does work in mysterious ways. I totally understand why you don’t want to get into reasons for leaving yet but please say you at least left on good terms
We love ❤️ watching you on Dr. Pol ……we’ll miss 🥺you. Love your blog it’s my first time reading one! How do I follow you?
You can subscribe to my blog at the bottom of the page. Thank you for reading
Good morning Dr.Emily and family……….just a note to you to tell you how interesting the pictures you post in the blog are……….seeing the pic of you running brings to mind the segment of you chasing a cow.Now I know where you got that stamina. You all have a good week. 🤠
I’m loving the photos that you’re posting but may I offer some constructive feedback re: ux?
Could you please make the font under the pics a lot brighter as it’s so dark and small and difficult to read against the black?
Enjoying your posts very much. Keep up the good work!
Many thanks,
Jen M.
I’ll work on that, thank you!
Would love to know how you picked Virginia to move to?
You can follow her @DrEmilyThomas via twiter!
We love you in S.C., have followed your career, and look forward to hearing about your 2020 adventures. Love your sense of humor and to hear about your faith. Miss you on Dr. Pol, but so glad to see this site. Wish you and yours a healthy and prosperous new year. 🐾
With God its always one step at a time, one day at a time
We will miss you tons but wishing you tons of success in 2020.
So happy that you created this blog! Found it since I’ve been following you on Twitter, and had to check it out. It’s been such a pleasure to watch you tackle anything and everything that comes your way. I think it’s an understatement to say that we’ll miss you every week on The Incredible Dr. Pol. Can I just say your incredible in you own right.
Love that you’re going to let us share you with Tony and the kids. Looking forward for more life episodes.
Great blog Emily but I am saddened at your departure from the Pol practice. Best wishes to you and your family in your new endeavours and also happy new year.
I am retired living in Ontario, Canada and enjoy Kareoke in my spare time. I thought my recording of Frank Sinatra’s “MY WAY” was appropriate for you.
Use earbuds or headphones please.
Steve K
Blog #2 is just as good (and interesting) as #1. I can fully understand your weather statements as I am familiar with both the Newberry area and Northern Michigan ……….For the past twenty years I’ve been retired on HHI. So, now I can sit in my rocker, in comfort, and joyfully read the blog written by a very lovely and talented young lady………I have watched Dr.Pol since his first year, on and off. I watched the first show you appeared in and never missed a show since………..You brought something to the show that made it extra special. I have five daughters so maybe I think of you as a sixth.
Anyhoo, you’re off to a spectacular start in the blog business. And as you go down this new road I wish you Godspeed and congratulations..
Subscribe button not working. Love your blog!
It would probably relieve some stress in your families life if the Michigan property would sell. Hang in there. Like the say, “The sun don’t shine on the same dogs ass every day.
I love your blog. Thanks for sharing your life and experiences with us! Continue to be You and continue to trust in God and his plan!
I have binge watched Dr. Pol and love the show. Will certainly miss seeing you. I enjoy reading your blog post. Continue keeping us informed about how you and Tony are doing and let us know how the kids are doing.
Please don’t leave us hanging to long. Can’t wait for the next entry.
Dr. Emily, I am so happy you started this blog. I have literally watched EVERY episode of Dr. Poll and love the farm calls the most. I am a teacher but if I had it to do over, I would have
become a country vet if at all possible (I graduated from Auburn University—- along with ALL of my family—- which as you know has a fantastic vet school). Anyway, I’m thankful I can still keep up with you and your family. I will miss you on future Dr. Pol episodes but I can read about you and your family here. One thing I appreciate is that you aren’t afraid to share your faith—so important. Keep posting on your blog!
Now thats an amazing story and i cant wait to hear the rest of it but it also shows you that God works in misturius ways
Now thats an amazing story and i cant wait to hear the rest of it but it also shows you that God works in misturius ways
Hello Dr Emily I am happy to learn of your blog. Watching your work when you were pregnant was awesome! It would be nice if you still were on TV, but this is more direct, personal and downright cool. Hope your Michigan house sells quickly.
Love reading about you and the family. Will miss you on the Dr Pol show. I know you wouldn’t have left if it hadn’t felt right.. I hope your home in Michigan sells soon. It looks beautiful…
Looking forward to reading more and keeping up with the Dr Emily family..
Thanks for telling your story. So many of us admired you on Dr. Pol. You have a great sense of humor, love your Twitter feed and your funny take on motherhood, marriage and life in general. Would love to see you get your own show! But this blog is a treat, thank you again!
Hugs from California!
I’m so glad you are doing this blog. You were one of my favourite Vets on Dr Pol and I miss seeing you! Your house looks amazing. Too bad I’m Canadian. 🇨🇦
Growing up in South Carolina, I know what you went through going to Michigan, I did the same in 1989. Never got use to the late night sun sets, 85 degrees considered a heat wave or playing soft ball on frozen lakes in the winter. Living just outside Mt. Pleasant I had the opportunity to take my cat to Doc Pol when the clerks at the Hotel sent me there after my cat became very ill and he was the only one who would stay late to see me. A couple of shots later and advice on allergies, I was out the door back to the hotel with my cat 100% better. I spent 18 months enjoying Middle Michigan, the beautiful farms, friendly people and the caring staff at Pol Vet.
Dr. Emily… I bet I know why you left PVS. You just got too famous and all the paparazzi in Michigan followed you everywhere you went. They just wouldn’t leave you alone! Am I right? 😡
Thanks for keeping in touch with your fans. I watched the Pol show mainly for you and Dr. Brenda, I’ll start bugging NatGeo to spin your show off like they did with Dr T when she left Dr K. I lived in Michigan for 30 years after growing up in the south, I’m not sure why humans go to that place when it’s not August!
It is beautiful in August, especially the Glenn Arbor/Sleeping Bear Dunes area
And those are only a few of the many hidden gems to be found in Michigan. I am glad you were able to enjoy some of what we have to offer. I was born and raised here and I am proud of my home state. Never forget that two of your three children are Michiganders too. 🙂
Emily, Wonderful story! Keep up the blog & your wonderful Vet work. Miss seeing you on TV but know your happy with your new endeavor! Can’t wait for your new addition to your Blog!
Keep up the blog! I am finding it funny and entertaining! We will miss you on Dr. Pol.
Keep up the blog! I am finding it funny and entertaining! We will miss you on Dr. Pol. Do you miss working with Dr. Pol?
God works in His ways and we need to follow His leading. We are lucky for the time you were at Pol Veterinary Clinic. You will be missed.
Where does she say she’s leaving Dr. Pol? This is a story of how she came to get her job with him, not leave him! Correct?
Love your new site….looking forward to many more. We do miss you however…yiur family is beautiful.
I am very new to reading blogs and you’ve actually been an inspiration. I love your honesty humor and sense of reality. Your a great mom and wife and you seem to lay it all out on the table. I am certain your shove into the public eye was not an easy adjustment. I so look forward to reading more.
Loved this!
I love your blog and especially your sense of humor. Keep it up! Can’t wait to read more.
-A fan from Arkansas
Wish y’all the best life has to offer. Your doing a great job with this blog thing. Really hope you’re getting some kind of royalties from the show if that’s at all possible. Keep up the good work and can’t wait to find out why you moved on. Inquiring minds want to know! Best of luck and Happy New Year.
As I read your 2nd blog, I also thought why Michigan coming from warm sunny states like GA and SC? Lol because I was born and raised here in frozen tundra Michigan lol. But I do understand your circumstances at the time, you needed to do what needed to be done for your growing family. Grant you, I love our 4 seasons, when we actually have them, but uhg, I’m to old for this cold! I actually looked at your home, I didn’t realize it was as far as it was from my husbands work 😞, but I need to find an indoor barn, ect and have a little smaller home as I get older and my boys are growing up and moving out. And make things easier for me to take care of my fur babies. It was perfect, but to far 😭😭 and by the way beautiful! I’m actually trying to get the hubby to find a job in a warmer state as my health needs to move me to a warmer one. 🤞🙏 I still think you need your own show, part vet, part family reality TV it would make for great comedy with the kids and Tony, not only because your kids are hilarious, but also because you are all just so real and this is why we all love you and will miss you so much on Dr.Pol, but SO HAPPY, you’ve decided to stay in touch on twitter and create a blog. Thank you!!!
♥️ Thanks for your wonderful heart!
Thank you for sharing you experience at how you arrived at Dr Pol’s. I continue you look forward to reading next blog. Hope you are enjoying life in Virginia.. ( my home state)..
As others have said before me, I truly miss seeing you on t.v. You brought a bright cheerfulness to the show. Thank you for continuing to share a little of your life with me through this wonderful blog. Loved the story about your brown stethoscope. God has you and your family wrapped in His loving arms. God bless and I pray you and your family have a blessed 2020.
I loved watching you and Tony on Dr. Pol. Especially the parts where you did not have your arm up the innards of a large animal. So, I’ve been following you on instagram and enjoying all the funny mishaps with your kiddos. Keep them coming. I’m looking forward to more info from you on this blog. Good luck with it. Happy New Year.
I wish y’all all the success in the world. Miss seeing you and your family on Dr Pol but changes have to be made though out life.
I love the story so far. By the way you’re an excellent writer. Very entertaining.
Hi! I love ya whether you are on Dr Pol or not. I follow you on Twitter too. Keep up the good work. You are caring and hilarious.
It was nice to find your blog on the Twitter. I’m sad that you’ve left the Pol practice, but fully respect how we do what is best for us and our families. God does work in mysterious ways. Wishing you and your entire family nothing but the best going forward!
I also enjoy your blog. Keep them coming. May I suggest a Dr Emily show. I’d watch it and I’m sure your other fans will also!
I really loved watching you on Dr. Pol. Now I’ll enjoy your blog. Best wishes!
I love this story! kinda sad not see you on Dr. Pol but I am very happy to continue knowing your adventures through the blog! I admire you a lot!! Im a vete student from Chile and I hope one day it will be as good as you💖
Love the blog and really love the title! What a beautiful little song! Praying for God’s blessings for you and your family!
I’m enjoying your blog. We miss seeing you on Dr. Pol but so glad you’re happy. We wish you good luck from the Warren’s in Oregon.
My 89 year old mom and myself have been watching Dr. Pol show for a few years now! We must tell you that you will be missed on Dr. Pol show. Dr. Pol does have a great staff, but I am sure you’ll not miss the cold weather, and snow in Michigan! My mom and I have really enjoyed watching you as you took great care of all the animals that you saw! We like you wish you, your husband, and your young ones, the very best in the years to come! God Bless!
Thank you for sharing part of your life with us. I wish you continued success in your practice and hopefully the weather is a little warmer where living now. I suspect your busy getting the kids to school and fixing up your home living for family which is very time consuming maybe may see you on another show down the road.
Thanks for doing this blog. I enjoyed you on the Dr. Pol show. Best of luck in all you do.
I’m going to miss you kid! You were such a joy to watch and seeing the family grow was such a treat. I’m so happy that you were able to give us a few years. You are such a fun person to watch. Take care sweetie. Enjoy your new life! I’ll be checking in to see what’s happening in your life.
Thank you for sharing your life with us
Enjoy the back story and look forward to more. Big fan of Dr. Pol and all of his associates and enjoy your funny tweets. Have a fabulous New Year!
Ironically I tuned in to Dr Pol originally as I grew up in Michigan and a lot of my friends went to CMU. But continued to watch when you began on the show…. I was so impressed with such a hard working, intelligent young lady doing what you did everyday, whether at the farm or in the office. I was disappointed if there was an episode and you were not in it or just a small part. I love Dr P but always impressed of who you are as a person. I am obviously not the only one based on the comments to your blog! Thanks for sharing.
YAY – I’m registered!
It is wonderful to keep up with you and that you are allowing us to share in your adventures. We will certainly miss you and your family on Dr. Pol. You all brought a perspective and dynamic that will be very hard to replace in the Pol practice and hope that you keep the mixed practice going. You are truly talented especially with horses and goats. We moved not long ago from the Washington DC area to a small farm in South Central Pennsylvania and quickly learned that there were no longer any veterinarians willing to see patients that were not cats or dogs and certainly not willing to do Farm calls. It is needed everywhere. Thank goodness I have been able to handle most situations with my previous veterinary and scientific background and refreshers watching everyone on the Incredible Dr. Pol. We are certain God called you to Michigan. My partner and I wish you and your family all of our love and best wishes as we continue our adventure growing our small farm and growing our business.
Did you leave Dr. Pols?
Did you leave Dr. Pols?
Me encanta verte en Dr Pol, eres la mejo.
I will miss you Dr. Emily. Good luck
We love today’s blog. Your testament that God is listening & answers prayer
is inspirational for us all. We have become very thrifty here with asking Him
anything & always include: if it is His will. Happy New Year to you & family.
I am sorry to see that you will not be on Natgeo and looking forward to finding out why you decided to leave. I hope you are settling in and are all well and happy. Keep the posts coming-but I will say that you may want to read/edit your first as there are some mistakes that make following your thoughts difficult. Good luck!
My husband and I have watched Dr Pol for what seemed like forever, but during the Christmas marathon we saw episodes we’d never seen. Enjoy the show and were sad to hear you’d moved on, but we realize you now have time for a blog! That’s progress. Seemed like you were always on late night calls while in Michigan. You, Dr Pol, Diane, Charles, and Dr Brenda have become “old friends.” We’ll keep watching until the new girls become family as well. We travel past your new town frequently. Who know? We may stop in for a visit sometime. P.S. Hope you sell your home in Michigan very soon!
Wait, what, you left Pol Vet Services! I know I’m late to the party here but I’m a 4-H leader here in MI but not local in Isabella county, just not to far is all & as our livestock season will be picking up soon as you know & you were one of my few ideas I had rolling around for a project as I have some local kids aging out soon & moving on into their college life with their major in some sort of animal type career such as nutrition, vet tech, veterinarian etc. but most of all so sorry to see central MI lose such a great vet! That’s always #1. I always wish you & your family the best!
Dr. Emily – You are a wonderful role model for young girls out there! Love the idea of you blogging and being able to keep up with your adventures & your beautiful family!
I had no idea you left Dr Pol, Emily this is was happens when you miss a week or 2 of Twitter. Why I assumed you were happy there. I know you’ll be missed, wow
Dr. Emily and Mr. Toni,
I’m grateful to you both for sharing your family story. I’m saddened to hear you guys no longer work with Dr. Pol.
I will miss seeing you both 😢
You are a great, compassionate Veterinarian and first & foremost GREAT MOM.
If you can please, let me know if you will take monetary contribution towards your blog.
I told my husband that for my birthday I wanted to go and visit Pol Veterinary practice.
However, you are no longer there.
I agree wholeheartedly, God works in mysterious ways 🙏
I always joke with my friends that I’ve watched you and Brenda and Dr. Pol deliver so many calf’s that I could probably do it myself if in a pinch. Not sure I would want to, but…. sorry to see you leave the show, you were by far my favorite vet. When you treated the potbelly pig with tetanus I was so impressed at your tenacity. Seeing him stand up in the grass made me cry, he was so cute! And taking him home for the weekend with all of your babies to take care of was very brave of you. I’m from New England and we can get some big storms here, but nothing compared to the weather in Michigan. I don’t think I could ever live there. Looking forward to following your blog and good luck with everything!
For the life of me I still can’t understand why your Rosebush house has not sold yet. It is very cute and so reasonably priced. I guess if it isn’t gone by spring you will have to come back and rip out all the electrical in the house and then an Amish family could buy it.
One of the episodes on Dr. Pol that is in top 10 of funny was when you got that Long piece of grass out of Zippy’s nose. 😂😂😂😂
My family and I watch the show. (My hubs, my 4 yr old, and I). We often talk about you and admire your quiet and patient leadership with the animals.
Just stumbled upon your IG account but I have searched for it in the past to no avail. I love to see successful women doing their thing. Not in a weird way but in a supportive one. Keep going. You are doing great.
Was so sorry to hear that you are no longer with Dr. Pol. It’s one of the only shows I watch on tv and you were a special part of it. I loved your calm approach with all the animals and how you persevered in your work when you were in your late stages of pregnancy!
I will miss you and Tony on Dr. Pols show, but have subscribed to your blog. Wishing you much happiness in your new location! You have a strong and beautiful light !
Will miss you on the show but glad I found your blog. Curious if your new job requires farm calls or are you only in office and small animals. You were great on the farm calls. Always confident and patient. I grew up in Northern Indiana which are a lot like Central Michigan winters. Also I grew up on farm like many you visited on Dr. Pol. Much luck to you!
My new job is in clinic small animal only. I do miss the calvings
Any chance you’ll get your own Nat Geo WILD show?
You never know what the future holds, but there’s nothing in the works.
Too bad you don’t want to live in Washington state! We could use a other Veterinarian at the mixed animal practice where I work 🙂
I might have missed it but what year did this happen? Going to miss you on Dr. Pol, But at least I can read all of this. Your very good at it. Also a really good artist.
Wow. I hated to hear that you left Dr. Pol. You were my favorite. I am surprised by your reasons because I figured the show was pretty much fake but I guess not if they tried to work you to death. I hope you are happier.
Hello Dra. Emily!
Greetings from Argentina.
I am a fan of Dr. Pol’s program and I admire her deeply! Congratulations on your great work.
Your right God works in his way and working with Dr Pol allowed so many of us to get to know and admire you. Even though you left you now have the opportunity to inspire others. Thank you for being brave.
Hey there just wanted to give you a quick heads up. The text in your article seem to be running off the screen in Internet explorer. I’m not sure if this is a format issue or something to do with browser compatibility but I thought I’d post to let you know. The design and style look great though! Hope you get the issue fixed soon. Thanks
Dear Dr. Emily: I was sad to hear you’d left Dr. Pol, then immediately happy to learn that you listened to heart and head and found a practice that works better for you personally and professionally. Many of us burn out before acknowledging that boundaries are healthy. I’m happy for you and your family that you’ve found a good work/life balance. That takes a lot more courage than soldiering on. We will miss seeing you on-camera. We wish you every good fortune!