Everyone has their own interpretation of “The meaning of Life” some say it’s to enjoy life, some say that we’re all just play pieces on God’s chess board, some even say there is NOT a meaning to life and that it is all random because there is no God. My interpretation of the meaning of life works out for those who believe in God and those who do not and just requires that you care for someone other than yourself.
For me, the meaning is to make the world a beautiful place, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And I strive to pour everything I can into the world to help it be a better place. Some days are certainly harder than others and sometimes I just need to focus on me to replenish my ability to give so that I don’t become bitter and unwilling to beautify the world in the future.

My painting is actually depicting how I sometimes feel; giving everything I can to make people happy and help to plant seeds of fairness or humanity, but that sometimes it feels like it’s just draining my soul. The world is a tough place. Sometimes, it’s hard to accept the way people are and that they will likely never change. But you never know if you have influenced that person or not and if you just keep pouring love and beauty into the people and world around you, you have no idea what that might produce in the future – how people will treat each other down the road because of the way you treated them and how that can produce beautiful fruits and flowers – even if you may never even be aware of them.
Keep being beautiful and watch the world blossom – even if it’s from heaven.
Beautiful artwork! I love that you share your spiritual journey with such honesty. The reality is, humanity needs to reconnect with God (source), which is the seed within everyone that only needs to be nurtured! God bless!
Dr Emily, you are so wise. Thank you for sharing your insights with us. I also believe in God and that all good things come from Him and are shared through us when we allow . We all have purpose and it is inspiring when kind and tender hearted people like you use your talents constructively. You are very talented!! God bless you and give you strength and stamina for your journey in life. We love you and your family. Stay safe.
My philosophy for sure. It can be accomplished by treating each person as you would want to be treated. I am 88 years old and that has helped me become a caring person throught my life especially as a teacher. Wouldn’t that make a wonderful world!
The cabins along the Appalachian Trail have fire places, come stocked with wood and are open to all comers free of charge. The unwritten rule, I believe, is a good metaphor for life: “Leave the wood pile a little higher than it was when you found it.”
I’m up but not awake yet. This would require me to sit down and write a long reply. My short answer would be were just a different species of ants at work. I spent my spare life time even yesterday responding or stopping at emergency situations doing rescue, firefighting, EMS or just helping someone with a jump or flat tire. Love to help neighbors or strangers in Home Depot figure out how to do construction or repair work. For money worked for the Port Authority of NY NJ. Mostly at JFK GWB LGA and WTC. Revived clinically dead people and they cursed me out for bringing them back to hell. They went down the tunnel with the light at the end and met folks on the other side. Too bad I cant past my self portrait like yours here i just drew. The amount of sociopaths i have encountered is quite upsetting. So far my holy roller family and friends haven’t had a prayer answered. Besides what God would allow people to be torturing and killing people for the past couple hundred million years.
1 John 5:19 Satan is the god of this world. Same as 2 Corinthians 4:4
This is really inspiring. Thanks so much
Beautifully said Emily. ❤️ Never stop trying. Touching even one other soul is worth it.
How beautiful your text and painting are. Both have resonated deeply for me (if it is a good word). Being French Canadian it is hard to explain what I felt but it gave me a good insight of how my actions might impact others. Thank you very much. Wish I could have a print of your painting so I can reflect on its meaning and message when I need it.
If only all followed this simple rule. Well said
I just love your outlook Emily. I find inspiration in most of your posts here and elsewhere. Glad tv had us crossing paths even as a fan of your television life and now In your real life ! Thank you so much for sharing 🙂
Right before reading this blog, I was just thinking along the very same lines. I absolutely love this painting. Thank you so much for sharing it and encouraging the rest of us along life’s very difficult journey!
I get you Dr. Emily! I’m an empath person too, as an occupational therapist I always try to help others and lift people up. That can be very draining on your own soul so I’ve learned over my 53 years to take time for myself, allow myself quiet time, eat healthy and exercise which helps me energize ! You’re a beautiful giving soul and help so many humans and animals and it’s recognized !!
Dr Emily I understand you now live in Virginia. What city do you live now. We all your fans do not want to lose you, so at least know where in the world are you.
I am your fan and will always be for many reasons. I live in Mexico city and I am very dissapointed that you will be no longer in the show. Couldn´t you iniciate the INCREDIBLE DR. EMILY?
Very nice Dr. Emily. Simple, direct, insightful. ❤️ Thank you for sharing.
You are absolutely right. Best of luck always.
Well put. You are quite the artist in many ways.
Said beautifully!
Oh what a different world this would be if everyone followed your example. It’s such a simple and easy thing to do in your everyday life. Unfortunately the Golden Rule has been ignored since the beginning of the human race and the results are a world in turmoil. However , you are a shining example of how we can influence others each day. Thanks for the reminder.
Stay beautiful, Dr. Emily.
Stay beautiful, Dr. Emily. But when your energy gets low, remember, family first, at least in my humble opinion.
Absolutely beautiful. You give this old lady hope. ❤️
Just what I needed on this dreary Monday. Thank you for lifting me up!
That resonates with me. I’ve been coming to similar conclusions. And your painting is wonderful! I like the colors.
I love how you used your artwork to give expression your feelings. People like you are the ones we need the most on this planet. Thank you for extending your help.
Lovely writing and painting, Dr. Emily! Thank you for your kindness and generosity of spirit. 💕
This from the Westminster Shorter Catechism
Q: What is the chief end of man?
A: Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.
1 Corinthians 10:31. Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
Romans 11:36. For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.
Psalm 73:24-26. Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.
John 17:22, 24. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one… Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.
Proverbs 3: 5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
A painting of a woman that is almost hidden from view. Your confusion shows since there is so little left of you. Maybe time to prune your life of causes you have no control over. Maybe you can return more to human form than simply melting into a background that has nothing to do with you or your species.
The more we connect with nature and mother Earth the better. Do not want to separate ourselves into the cement jungle meaninglessness. Not good advice from you perhaps actually
Actually can see you as that beautiful being in your artwork. What a great self portrait! After watching you on Doctor Pol and keeping up with your family photos you really are that being in that picture. Just as much as your 3D physical body.
Emily, I think that is a perfect interpretation of the meaning of life.
Go watch The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Or read the book. You already live the law of attraction. Surround yourself with good energy and white light. Life can drain you when you’re an empath just trying to do your thing. You got this. Tx Emily. Your posts are refreshing and real. Much love to you and yours.
Thank you for the meaningful self portrait and your message of paying it forward.
Emily, you influenced me and many others. It’s a fact that trees and flowers reach out to their respective seedlings and do provide nourishment for them. Similarly, animals give birth to their young and nurture them (as you well know). All of these are the workings of love.
Scientist have found that amino acids are within meteorites (amino acids are the building blocks of life). If so, raining from the heavens (outer space) is the nourishment of life and love needed for their child (this I call it baby food).
From huge stars exploding (supernovas) within our galaxy, and billions of other galaxies which provides for the arrangement of atoms from which we are all made of.
Carl Sagan once said that we are all made of star stuff. So true it is, when humans look up into the heavens to observe and study the workings of stars, and wonder are we alone? If we are made of star stuff, are we not looking to the heavens in search of God?
So Emily, you provided the life of your children along with Tony, the love that is also needed.
How do I modify or delete my rambling post?
Again, a very interesting post. I like your viewpoint on life!
Keep ’em coming!
“All you need is Love…”.
Give, and you will receive.
Beautiful inside and out.
Love is the answer. “God” is Love.
Always enjoy your posts and especially like you on “The Incredible Dr. Pol” show. I am watching the “Pi” episode. Are the people you work with “nerds” also, and do they celebrate with real pie?