The questions for “How well does Tony know Emily

Alright, we’ve got our questions. I’ve changed some of the wording, but hopefully I captured the spirit of everyone’s question. I’ll list them below so everyone can play along:

1) If Emily had a time machine, would she go to the past or the future? 2) If Emily could have 3 wishes, what would they be? 3) What is 1 thing Emily would change about Tony? 4) What is Emily most difficult case? 5) Where were Emily’s Grandparents born? 6) What is the grossest thing about being a vet? 7) What movie makes Emily cry? 8) What is Emily’s dream vacation? 9) What is Emily’s greatest fear? 10) What is Emily’s shoe size? 11) How would Emily spend $1 million dollars? 12) What do I like most about Emily? 13) Desert Island, choose 1 food to eat? 14) Will Emily write a book? 15) What is Emily’s favorite band? 16) Does Emily want another baby? 17) What does Emily like most about Tony? 18) What is Emily’s most annoying habit? What is Tony’s? 19) What is Emily’s ideal date? 20) Which pet would Emily like to have for the rest of her life? 21) What did Emily most admire about Dr. Pol?

14 Replies to “The questions for “How well does Tony know Emily”

  1. Okay! I’ve read all the questions……….now where do I read the answers? 🤠

    1. I posted the questions in case anybody wanted to take a stab at them. We’ll post a video (probably tonight) with us answering and discussing the questions. Hope you enjoy =) -tony

  2. So excited to see/hear Emily”s answers.
    Truly enjoying your blog.
    Keep safe and stay healthy.

  3. 1) Past
    2) Be a Homesteader, have her own ” country ” vet business, have a dedicated personal space.
    3) More romance
    4) Trying to deal with pet owners ignorance.
    5) Ireland
    6) Cows butt
    7) Love Story
    8) Living in a luxury tree house on the Smokey’s
    9) Spiders
    10) 13
    11) Buy a established Vet business
    12) Her humor
    13) Twix bars
    14) No, but she should
    15) It would be a Country band
    16) Only if it’s going to a girl
    17) That he probably is the only one that understands her completely
    18) Not going there!
    19) Comfort food at a bed and breakfast with a view
    20) A cat with a pitt bulls love and dedication
    21) His ability to diagnose animals so quickly and his dedicated work ethic.

  4. Wow, these are all great questions! I can’t wait to hear all the answers, and to find out how many of the questions Tony answers correctly. It should be a very interesting video.

  5. 1) I say go to the future to see her kids grow up and be adults and do things stupid like she did;
    2) 1. no more coronavirus; 2. she could safe all the animals she treats; 3. that she could see her family more.
    3) nothing, it seems like she thinks he’s perfect.
    4) everyone that she could not safe the animal.
    5) Ireland
    6) the abcesses (only the smell)
    7) Ole Yellow;
    8) An island with wine, Tony and chocolate.
    9) not saving an animal.
    10) 7
    11) stat an animal rescuce
    12) her heart
    13) cake dipped in wine.
    14) yes
    15) sometype of rock
    16) no, been there, done that
    17) his warmth and love of her babies
    18) biting her nails, Tony seems like he might be a mess maker.
    19) on the porch with Tony & wine.
    20) a fluffy dog
    21) your looks

  6. I just love how you guys can laugh about things. This will keep your marriage healthy and long lived. You’re the best.

  7. Happy Birthday Emily. Couldn’t figure another way to say it. So hope you got your cheese balls. If not, i could mail you some. Lol.
    Happy a great stuck in the house day.

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