Emily and I have had a lot of people asking for an update on our lives in Virginia. So, I’ve decided to write a little post on how it’s going in the state that’s “for lovers.”

Emily and I have lived in the South (Georgia and South Carolina) and the North (Michigan.) We knew we didn’t want to return to Georgia. It is way too hot down there. Summer starts in mid February and the heat doesn’t relent until December. To top off the heat, the humidity is brutal. I would start to sweat once I stepped out of the shower, and I wouldn’t stop until I took another one. There was just no escape from the heat in Georgia, and Michigan was exactly opposite. The bitter cold of a Michigan winter would start to bite in October, with winter’s teeth sinking into my bones through January and February. I’ve seen it snow in May, and I have pictures of my family in jackets in June. So, when it was time to leave Michigan, we had an idea of what we wanted. Weather wise, we both like all four seasons. We wanted a place where we would get some snow, some heat, and a lot of the beautiful days that fall in between. On top of the seasons, Emily and I wanted to stay in the East. We considered California and Oregon, but they felt too far from family. Emily and I both have a considerable amount of family in Georgia. Our third desire was for fairly quick access to mountains and the ocean, with mountains being more important. Add this all together, and Virginia became an obvious place for us. Within Virginia, the Shenandoah Valley was appealing. The Shenandoah National Park is basically in our front yard, and there is a nice river for canoeing and kayaking. And so, we moved to Front Royal, Va.

The move, of course, was stressful. Any time you relocate a family there will be a lot of stress. India and Oscar still talk about friends they left in Michigan, and they bring up things we use to do but probably won’t be able to do again (like going to Glenn Arbor). But, all in all, the kids have settled in nicely. They have made new friends and they enjoy their new school and daycare. India and Oscar are about to go to their first dance, a Valentine’s Dance. We hike a lot, and the kids love it. We’ve been to the top of mountains and to the bottom of waterfalls. The kids can be hard to get on the trail, but once we get out there, they run and play. If you are ever in this area, I would recommend Little Stoney Man and White Oak Canyon trails if you only have a few days to hike. In the summer we splashed in the river a good bit. This coming summer we’re planning to take the kids down the river in tubes for the first time. Even more exciting than tubing the river, this summer will be Calvin’s first trip to the ocean. India and Oscar have both been to the ocean, but not in over four years.

This is a little aside, but I thought it bared mention; Emily and I first moved to Virginia in late June. In late spring and early summer the fireflies light up the woods every night. It was so beautiful. We would sit on our porch after it had gotten dark, and just watch the show the fireflies were putting on. It was an amazing display, an intricate ballet of light. Emily described the fireflies like being in a stadium with thousands for flash bulbs going off all around you. It is truly amazing.

Not only are we enjoying all the outdoor activities Virginia has to offer us. We are both enjoying our new jobs. We work together at the same veterinary clinic. Emily is one of nine doctors working there (the clinic has two locations.) And, she is not nearly as stressed or over stretched as she was in Michigan. The pace of our new clinic is much more manageable. Although it is a busy clinic, we are very well staffed with a lot of support for the doctors. To top it off, there’s also a black clinic cat named Dan. He and Tater (the Pol Vet clinic cat) are both amputees, although Tater is missing a leg and Dan is only missing half a tail. The clinic we work at now is small animal only, and Emily will admit that she misses the large animal side of things. She misses her cows and especially her calvings and foalings. Instead of doing a little bit of everything like I did at Pol Vet, I, for the most part, work as a doctor’s assistant. I’m assigned one doctor to help through out the day. In general, things are really good for Emily and me at work right now. As an added bonus, a lot of the people at the clinic have children that are roughly the same age as ours. So, our kids have a lot of other kids to play with at work gatherings.

The only thing that’s not so great is that Emily is picking up emergency shifts at a local veterinary emergency clinic so we can pay the mortgage on our Michigan house. Actually, as I write this, she’s at her second job. But her shifts at the ER are not nearly as bad as the on-call she used to do. She only works a weekend or a few week days a month, and when she’s done, she’s done. There is no worry about being called back in. All in all, we are super happy in Virginia. The mountains, the water, the work life balance, it’s all what we wanted. It is what we were looking and hoping for.
I’m trying to talk Emily into doing a vlog for a Q&A post. She’s not all that keen on it, but I’m trying. Vlog or no vlog, my next post will be a q&a. So, last chance to ask any questions. And, as always, thanks for reading.

Have you treated the Sharer’s dogs they are famous youtubers from Virginia as well….
I love reading the blogs!! Happy that you guys are less stressed. Life is short and you need to enjoy your family now while you can before they grow up and go their own ways. Are there any plans or possibilities for you to eventually do another show? When you guys were growing up did you ever think you would be a vet? Hopefully you’re close enough so the grandparents can see the kids! Closer than Michigan huh?
Tony you should take classes to get your Vet license . You would make a good one.
Question for Dr. Emily. When you go to the homes of family or friends and they have pets, do the pets hide or avoid you if they know your a vet?
That’s great things are going good for y’all.. I’m glad the kids all have new friends and are settling in nicely. Must be nice to have some decent weather right now. Living roughly 45 mins or so from Dr. Pol’s office l, we just got hit with 6 to 7 inches of snow… Just when I thought winter was over… Hahahaha. Not really, as you know from living here, winter is far from over here in Michigan! I’ll bet she misses the large animals. Helping them big things with delivering babies had to be one of the best things about being a vet. Yeah, it’s hard work but very rewarding. It’s so great to hear that y’all have less stress now. I can see it on Emily’s face, from the recent pics, that a lot of stress has left her. She looks great smiling! Not like not too many smiles that I’ve seen on her, from tv, working at Dr. Pol’s. Get rid of your house here in Michigan will help her to smile even more I’m sure! Lol. Wondering if anyone there treats her like a TV star, or treats her different because she was on TV so many times? I hope not. But I would like to see y’all on another tv show though! Lol. I’m jealous of the things y’all get to do and see where you’re living now. Lol.
You guys are great! Keep smiling and enjoying a less stressful life along with the better times y’all get with your little ones! We all love y’all and miss y’all on TV!!!
This question is for both of you.. Are either of you still in touch with anyone at Pol Vet?
Loved Dr Emily, it’s wonderful that you’re happy and consent now. Did you meet Emily in college? What was your major?
We actually met in high school, my major in college was history. We’re going to be doing a video blog this weekend answering some questions, hope you see it -Tony
So glad you’re enjoying life in Virginia! I’m not that far away(Central MD)so I can appreciate the beauty of the mountains to the west and the ocean to the East. Much love to you and your beautiful family.
Your beautiful kids are growing bigger and I am growing older………..what a nice family story the five of you make.
Cheers, Kids🤠
I really enjoy reading your blog!! So glad you are happy with your life in Virginia!!
Loved hearing about your life in Virginia. And the nicer weather. It sounds similar to the terrain and weather here in western North Carolina where I live, near Asheville, NC (Biltmore House). I’ll bet Emily does miss working with the large farm animals. Your workload sounds more manageable and not as stressful. All the pictures were great, especially the last one. Keep on with your blogs so we can still keep up with you.
Loved this update. I grew up in Virginia, so I know a bit about what a great state it is for family fun. Though I will miss you both dreadfully on Dr. Pol, I admire your desire to find a balance between all aspects of your lives, and I hope you are soon able to sell your house in Michigan so that all your attention can focus on making life the best it can be in VA. Thank you for taking the time to write this, and may God shower you with His richest blessings.
Well said, Kathy, and ditto! I am living in Georgia now, but mainly grew up in Virginia and am a fan of TIDr Pol, so I can relate and am awfully happy for the Thomas family now.
Welcome to Virginia but I will miss y ‘all on tv. If you ever travel through Tappahannock give us a shout.
I love Doctor Emily’s personality with the big animals . She was so funny at times, sure gonna miss y’all on the show.
Virginia is a wonderful state! Moved here over thirty years ago from NE Iowa, another brutal weather locale. And haven’t looked back Thank you for your updates. You two are an inspiration of how to make family priority. God Bless you and pray your house in Michigan sells soon!
Thanks Tony for the update. I really enjoy hearing from you both. I think y’all should write a book now! I’m praying that your house in MI will sale soon also. Keep the stories coming and God Bless you all. GO DAWGS! lol
Glad you are enjoying Virginia, although we go through years where we have lots of snow, and it can get muggy in the summer.
In this area we call them lightening bugs, not fireflies. Interesting how different areas have different names for things. They are beautiful.
Your children will have Virginia accents before you know it. Cute.
My son takes his 16 year old dog to the clinic where you work, but since there are two locations, I don’t think he has seen you yet. I think his dog has had the same vet most of his 16 years.
Welcome to the area.
Welcome to the area! I live north of Winchester and have been wondering where in Virginia you all decided to settle. My work takes me all over the Shenandoah Valley so perhaps I will run in to you all. Dr Emily has been one of my favs since first seeing her on the show.
Thanks, Tony. As always, interesting and informative. We wish you and your family the best. Hope you sell the house in Michigan soon. That must be a heavy load to bear!
I am so very glad that you are all happy. Best wishes always. 🙂
I really envy you and how you are so adaptable to change. That is something Iam not good at but you all look very happy and relaxed. You made the best choice for your family and that’s what is important. Best of everything……I loved the fire flies story!
Hi Tony!
We used to live in VA just outside of Fredericksburg, so I completely understand all of the beauty that VA has to offer!
My question is simple and probably too nosy but I want to ask anyway.
Did the Pol’s read Emily’s earlier blog and if so were they upset or angry? Were they upset about Emily’s leaving or did they understand her reason for leaving?
As always thank you and keep them coming!
You should come visit Maine sometime! Acadia National Park, Baxter State Park/Mt. Katahdin. It’s snowing here today, kids have no school….I think it’s starting to cut into summer vacation days now. Spring season was pretty much skipped over last year—stayed winter until nearly June—and summertime then began in earnest!
it sounds beautiful and terrible all at the same time =) -tony
Hi Tony!
I love this update so much. I love hearing about how great your lives are now in VA – and I love hearing that you are both working at the same clinic! Also – fireflies are pretty much gone in NJ and I miss them so much, so I am really jealous! My father used to live in VA near Smith Mountain Lake and it was the most beautiful area… I miss my visits there terribly.
Did you go to school to be a vet tech? Did you ever want to be anything else? Since you work at the same clinic as Emily, do you ever get to work with her? Do you get to work appointments, surgeries, or both? (I used to be a vet assistant, and we would also be assigned to doctors, so we would do whatever they would do that day, even if it was surgeries in the morning and appointments in the afternoon.)
Thanks so much!! I wish you and your family all the best, always.
Have you tried Zillow. They have 3 options on selling homes. Free listing and has a broad buyers market. They will offer to buy your house. You can sell it yourself and save the real estate commission or list it with a realtor at a negotiable commission.
You guys need to keep these blogs for a book !! So enjoying it but wonder why she really left Pol clinic .
I’m so happy for you and your family. You are blessed to have each other, your mini-me lookalikes, and GOD’s nature to enjoy with them. A work/life balance is all any of us can pray for. Be sure to know, you are missed on screen on my tv but knowing you live next door to Tennessee is satisfying. Enjoy your lives, you’ve paid your dues, you’ve earned it.
Love hearing from you guys. Also love all the pictures. I have never seen mountains. I also live on the east coast. Jones Beach Long Island is just a 20 minute drive.
Have you tried to bury a statue of St. Joseph to sell your house? I know of two people who did this and it sold. It’s all over the internet so it’s easy to look up.
As someone mentioned, How was everyone at Dr. Pol when they found out you were leaving? I have noticed your still on the show.
Tony, thank you for the wonderful update on your lives in Virginia. I was hoping you two could work together. Sounds like things are going well and what an adorable picture of your entire family. Seems like yesterday the little one was born! Stay safe during the stormy seasons and enjoy 2020.
I’d like to hear the story of how you chose a size 4 engagement ring instead of the correct size.
Welcome to the Shenandoah Valley! I’m also a transplant from the North. The winters are much more mild, but the first winter I was here, it snowed over 3 feet. I have always been blamed for that snow…
I’m also a veterinary assistant for an equine only clinic not too far from Front Royal, so if Dr. Emily needs to get in some foal squeezes, let me know!
I would like to hear Emilys story about the cow that kicked her at the dairy farm.
I , too, love the mountains!!! So gorgeous! I live in Ohio which is not as cold as Michigan, but we still get our fair share of winter- I do not mind it as I like all 4 seasons. I hate, hate, hate the humidity!!! I will NOT go further south because of it!!! Virginia is humid- been there!
So glad that both of you have found a more family-friendly place to work. Family is most important. I am sure you will stay friends with all those in Michigan at Dr. Pol’s, and also many others in the community whom you grew to know and love.
Prayers that your home in Michigan sells soon! Then if Emily wants to work extra it can go to pay off the existing mortgage so you can pay your house off early and be debt-free. I helped pay our house off early and it is so nice to not have a mortgage payment! Then I paid off the truck and then my car. It is awesome to be debt-free! We can afford to save for retirement and take a few vacations per year. We can also help more in our favorite charities and with our grown children and grandchildren.
Keep enjoying your family!!! That is your most important priority.
Really like West Virginia great people and scenery. Rivers and Mountains are so pretty.
Real quick question, how will we know when you’re online for the q&a? Or are you read thru and answer questions as if you’re posting your blog?
Thanks again!
it won’t be a live q&a, I’m going to take some questions from the comment sections of different post and we’ll answer those.
Thank you and please keep them coming!
Thank you for sharing.
Ahh…good old VA! I lived in various parts of the state for 15 years. My husband and I went to college there (JMU), we got married there and 2 of our 3 kids were born in VA. I would move back to that beautiful state in a heartbeat! So glad y’all are enjoying it! Praying that your MI home sells soon so that Emily doesn’t have to take on extra work anymore. 🙏
Happy that you guys are happy and settled in. Shenandoah Valley is gorgeous country.
Thanks for the update on the new clinic.
Continued best wishes to the whole family!
My daughter & her family moved to N. VA ftom HI. The temp is up n down but at least not too severe. They’ve gone hiking in the nearby parks & like that they can drive to other states. We went the Luray Caverns when we visited her. It’s just so far to travel for us & them to visit though. They’re my only grandchildren. They had wanted to move to Washington state but the job loation was in DC. Good decision on your part to move closer to family.
I hear the Caverns are really nice, they’re on the list
Thanks for keeping us all informed of your lives and the pictures are great.
Thank you, Tony for this post. I myself have tubes down the Shenandoah Valley river. I have told my husband and my friend about your blog. I really do love reading what you both write, and again this is the only blog I have subscribed to. Do you guys still keen in touch with Jan, Diane, Brenda, Charles & Nicole?
Thanks so much for the update, Tony. Sounds wonderful, and I’m so happy for you all! Cannot believe that beautiful home in Michigan is not selling, but I’m sure the right buyer will come along eventually.
I’m so happy you have found a place that gives you balance between work and home.
The scenery and wonderful things you are able to do to get in touch with nature is awesome.
Your children will never forget the beauty and peace it gives you all.
I miss you both on Dr. Pol but am so happy you started this blog and found Dr. Emily on Instagram.
I wish you all success, happiness, and peace.
P.S. I hope you sell your home in Michigan soon so that burden will be off your family. It is a beautiful home and piece of property so hopefully someone will snag it up soon.
The kids have grown so much miss seening u guys on the show but I am glad u r enjoying youselfs and have more free time.
I really truly enjoy reading your blog. I look forward to each posting. It sounds as if you’re all happy living in Virginia, which is wonderful. Even though we miss your smiling faces on Dr. Pol, at least we can still keep up with you on your blog. Thank you so much for creating this!
Enjoyed your post. So. Glad you are both less stressed and settling into enjoying life in VA. Yeah! My question is more an anatomy question of a cow. While reinserting a prolapsed uterus on a cow, what are the large nodules on the uterus? I noticed some cows have more than others. You and Emily are like fireflies in a world that so needs light. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for writing this blog! I enjoy keeping up with your family and especially your career. I miss working with dairy cattle (my Master’s is in reproductive physiology and lactation), so I understand missing out on the large animal side of vet med.
We married and honeymooned in your part of Virginia. Be sure to go to the Civil War Re-enactments. Great photo opportunities. Love following your family.
Tony and Emily, Thanks much for the updates. I live in NC more in the center so we can go to the mountains or beach in a day. I am so glad you are adjusting to your new location and your I guess you might say new way of life. Yes you will definitely be missed on Dr. Pol but as long as there are re-runs I will be watching as you always miss something and I have to say Dr. Pol is my favorite show. Keep up the blog you two I love it, love seeing your kids growing up but way to fast and glad you are still working in a clinic with Emily I guess. I really wondered how in this world coming from Georgia you could stand or adjust to all the frigid snowy weather. It looked so miserably cold. Hope you sell your Michigan home soon so you can get out from under that debt. Good luck and bless that little family.
Sounds like you’ve found your Utopia. Thanks for giving us a glimpse through your eyes.
I wish you happiness and success!
God bless your beautiful family 🙏🏻
I would like to know if you brought your minis to Virginia with you
So glad you chose Virginia. I’m originally from Pennsylvania (descended from Amish) but have lived in Virginia for 50 years now.
I have always taken fireflies for granted but reading your experience with them has given me a new appreciation for them. Hopefully you won’t have to experience cicadas.
Anxiously awaiting your next post
Tony, nice entry, thanks for updating us. We are very happy for you and glad your move went well. Looking forward to new adventures.
Welcome to Virginia. I’m a big fan of Dr. Pol and watch it all the time including reruns. But you are now where I live. I live in Northern VA near Washington D.C. Hopefully, you will travel up to Northern VA. You can visit Washington D.C. It’s very different in Northern VA and Washington D.C. The values are power, prestige, title. Yet, It’s worth a visit because it’s historical. If you write your Congressman, perhaps you can get a ticket to visit the White House. Have fun and enjoy!
Very nice and well-written stories, Emily and Tony. Have been following your adventures in Michigan for many years, here in Belgium. If your readers might wonder “where the hell is Belgium” ; it’s a tiny country in Europe with a King and 3 different languages (:-) ) ! To the South of the Netherlands in fact.
One cosmetic remark: the white letters on a black background on the site are not always very readable. Maybe black on white would be more “ergonomic”.
Keep writing and posting !
Welcome to Virginia!
I would also like to hear Emily’s story about the day she was kicked by the dairy cow. That was surely a close call. I think I held my breath until after the commercial break, to see if she was even conscious.
Also, if there are any other difficult, scary, or noteworthy situations, would love to hear those as well.
You have a beautiful family. Best of luck in Virginia.
So wonderful to have an update on where you guys are and how you all are doing. We watch Dr Pol from Newfoundland Canada, sure will miss seeing Dr. Emily when the time comes for the new season. Good luck in your new jobs and home. Will keep watching on twitter and all other social medias.
I hope you can talk her into a Q & A, even if she only does one maybe once a month would be great. I absolutely LOVE that both of you are sharing your stories and lives with us! We all fell in love with her on the show and I watch the re runs with her every chance I get. Speaking of, will there be an episode that shows you all leaving Pol Vet? Because so far, nothing Iv watched yet, points to anything about you two leaving, and I’m only watching the newer re runs. I’m happy for both of you, that you have found your happy home in Virginia but will definitely miss seeing you both when your no longer on the show(once they stop showing those) She was my favorite by far!!
Thank you Tony!
Beautiful pictures happy family, what more could you ask for?
I have been to Front Royal and the beautiful Shenandoah National Park. A piece of God’s natural treasure.
Best wishes to all of you.
I am so happy for you and Emily!
I just saw where Dr Pol made the announcement that Dr Emily was going to be leaving. I’m so glad that he appeared to show no animosity towards you! I feel much better now!
Hello Thomas family, and welcome to Virginia. Thrilled you’re here. I too have lived in Mi, GA, and now live in Va..Close to Shenandoah River, in Purcellville. So glad I can still follow you, love Dr. Emily. Wish you could be our vet too☺️. Also have been thru some mental health issues myself. So glad you are in a happier place. Enjoy, rest, and bloom again!
I hear Va. needs big animal Vets so I am surprised you did not find that in Va. I live in Richmond Va. Iove the update.
I know you are very happy and truly deserve to be, I have lived. My life in my birth city , we do have four seasons and 300 plus days yearly with sunshine. Our cost of living is the lowest in Colorado we would relish having a wonderful family like yours in Pueblo.
I can waterski in the morning and be snow skiing ⛷ by 2 in the afternoon, Breckinridge!
No place better to raise a family!
Enjoy life with your family it goes by so quickly
Pueblo is short on a good veterinary clinic
Miss seeing you on the show but totally understand why you left. Virginia is amazing – we love living here too.
So happy you are all happy. Hope you keep posting on the blog. 🙂
Sounds like things are going wonderfully for your family. Sometimes you just know when it time to move on. Family is so important and with little ones you don’t want to miss a thing. You are making great memories for your Kiddos. Memories they will cherish! Not the memories of mommy and daddy working ALL the time. Virginia has s a beautiful state! When my boys were little we always went hiking. Indiana doesn’t have the mountain s of Virginia, but we got them out. They loved it and still do. Now days we travel a little farther for hiking. We love the Smokies.
Just a quick note to you and your family. Hopefully it gives you all a little laugh. My kids and I watch Dr Pol together and Dr Emily I’d a HUGE favorite of my 6 year old son Collin. We just found out that you all left Michigan and are now in Virginia. Anyways just last week my son told me he wants to go on vacation to visit Dr Pols office and come see everyone “in their homes.” He has previously inquired if our dog got hit by a porcupine could we take her to Dr Emily to have “the sticks” pulled out. When I told him Dr Emily was leaving the show he covered his face and was quite sad but was then encouraged because we are only 1 state away now in Maryland. He is very hopeful to obe day meet Dr Emily. Hope you all enjoy the Shenandoah Valle and all the ge surrounding actually ivities. Best of luck to you all!
Thank you, tell Collin I said hi!! =)
Hi Dr Emily and Tony! I saw the date you’ve set for the live Q&A is tomorrow the 22nd. Can you tell me where and how I can see it when you’re on live? I’m not always the most technical when it comes to live streaming😳🤭. Anyway I really want to see your goodbye episode , I cried last week when the announcement was made even tho I already knew you were gone! Anyway loving your stories, pics and art work and can’t wait to read, see and hopefully hear more from you!
Hello! I am so happy to hear life is going well. It makes your departure more bearable hearing from you. Since you are settling in VA now, I want to recommend that you visit Williamsburg, VA and Luray Caverns. I think your family will enjoy both. Thanks for sharing your blog with us!
Welcome to Virginia! The Blue Ridge Mountains are so beautiful anytime of year! I live in Manassas and you are invited over for dinner anytime! My husband and I visit a lot of wineries in your area and would love to have you join us!
What is your favorite winery around here? We’re thinking about going to Chester’s Gap winery
Check out Narmada Winery in Amissville. Amazing owner and wine!
Emily and Tony, welcome to Front Royal.
If you go down 522 S there are wineries to try out.
I have to ask. Have you been to Spelunkers yet?
Again, welcome to Front Royal!
Yes, we were told it’s a Front Royal original, but when we went it, it was just like Culvers up in Michigan =D
Congratulations on your move and your new job in Virginia! It sounds like both are perfect fits for you and your family. Virginia is a beautiful state and has lots of things to see and experience. I was sad to learn that your time at Pol Vet caused you so much stress, but those days are long gone now. I remember one episode where you compared the cold outside to “being hit in the face with a skillet”. I laughed out loud at that, though I knew you weren’t kidding at the time. I will miss watching you on television, but I am glad I can keep up with you on your blog. I look forward to hearing about your new adventures.
I am so glad you are all happy there although we will miss you on Dr. Pol . I will keep up with your sweet family from your blog. Happiness and blessings to you all!!
As a late viewer to the club, courtesy of Disney+, our family has fallen in love with yours through your ‘adventures’ at Pol Vet. Thank you for continuing to allow us a small peak into your world. We loved seeing the birth of Oscar and how your bride got into the briches of various animals.
We don’t want to invade, but thank you for the small ‘window’ into your worlds.
Happy to hear that you guys are settled and happy. God’s blessings to all of you guys!
Sounds like ya’ll are enjoying your lives…I am so glad to know this. I watch the show and have always wondered why there were only ever 3 or 4 vets for all of those clients.
May have to come visit Virginia soon, I live in Georgia as well, just south of Atlanta. What you say about the seasons is spot on. I love spring and summer, but am so ready for fall and am always disappointed when it doesn’t arrive until December and lasts for a day or two.
Virginia sounds awesome!