Stuck inside because of COVID-19? Dr. Emily and the kids want to take you on a little stroll. So, please, come take a walk with us.
Crazy Vet Scenarios Vlog
Dr. Emily’s next vlog is up. Enjoy, and please leave a comment and share with your friends.
TT: How well does Tony Know Emily?
We’re about to start working on a new video. The video will be (as the title suggests) how well do I know Emily. I’m going to come up with some questions about Emily and see if I answer them correctly. I was wondering if you have any questions you want answered. Remember these are questions about Emily that I will try to answer to see if I get them right. Feel free to ask hard questions. We’ve been together for 19 years, hopefully I know her favorite color (it’s purple especially if it is paired with green.) So yeah, post your questions in the comments. I will pick probably 10-15 questions, post them for everyone to play along, and then we’ll post a video Emily and I playing this fun game. Again, post any questions you have, and I will answer them as best as I can. Get creative.
Alright, we’ve got our questions. I’ve changed some of the wording, but hopefully I captured the spirit of everyone’s question. I’ll list them below so everyone can play along:
1) If Emily had a time machine, would she go to the past or the future? 2) If Emily could have 3 wishes, what would they be? 3) What is 1 thing Emily would change about Tony? 4) What is Emily most difficult case? 5) Where were Emily’s Grandparents born? 6) What is the grossest thing about being a vet? 7) What movie makes Emily cry? 8) What is Emily’s dream vacation? 9) What is Emily’s greatest fear? 10) What is Emily’s shoe size? 11) How would Emily spend $1 million dollars? 12) What do I like most about Emily? 13) Desert Island, choose 1 food to eat? 14) Will Emily write a book? 15) What is Emily’s favorite band? 16) Does Emily want another baby? 17) What does Emily like most about Tony? 18) What is Emily’s most annoying habit? What is Tony’s? 19) What is Emily’s ideal date? 20) Which pet would Emily like to have for the rest of her life? 21) What did Emily most admire about Dr. Pol?
Vlog: Fluffy has Fleas
We have another vlog for you all, enjoy!!
Vlog Cuts and Outtakes
Hopefully you’ve seen our video blog q&a, if not, catch it here:
We did have some pretty good outtakes and cuts that Emily and I thought you might like to see, hope you enjoy.
If you like what you’re seeing, be sure to share with your friends, leave a comment, and give us a like. Hope you enjoy, and, as always, thanks for reading!
The Video Q&A
Alright, the vlog is up. We couldn’t post it to our blog directly, but we were able to post it on youtube,