Vlog: A Walk with the Kids

Stuck inside because of COVID-19? Dr. Emily and the kids want to take you on a little stroll. So, please, come take a walk with us.

37 Replies to “Vlog: A Walk with the Kids”

  1. O my goodness – the kids are getting so big and smart and beautiful!! What a lovely family!

  2. Beautiful red bud trees. The white tree may have been an apple blossom tree. Too bad Apple Blossom Festival had to be cancelled. My son lives in your area and it is beautiful on the mountains.

  3. O my goodness – the kids are getting so big and smart and beautiful!! What a lovely family!

  4. I grew up in Fairfax county when it was pretty rural back in the 50s and early 60s. VA has more than its share of beauty, especially in the spring. Thanks for sharing.

  5. This reminds me of my birth state of WV. Missing my grandparents farm in Huttonsville, WV where there is plenty of space to walk around, sit on the porch swing or go fishing in the pond. Thanks for sharing the beauty of nature.

  6. The kids are getting g so big. Can’t believe Calvin is 2 1/2. That was some walk for his little legs.

    Lunch, school work and nap for me after thatšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Thanks for sharing

  7. What a lovely setting. I love Virginia! Moved here from ā€œsoul-suckingā€ weather of Iowa winter. Lotā€™s to appreciate about Midwest, but Virginia just do special. Thanks for taking us on a walk with you and kids. You are good with cats (herding and treating) . . . er, um . . . I mean kids! šŸ˜‰

  8. Hi,Dr Emily,glad to see you and the kids are well. I didn’t see norman the beagle,what happened to him?

  9. Iā€™m thinking India is a little Emily. How are yā€™all liking your first Virginia spring? Not as early as Georgia but much better than MI ! I agree with India on paperwork versus computer šŸ˜. Hang in there, mama! Love hearing the kidsā€™ ideas! Tell India that was a wooly bear caterpillar and thereā€™s a legend about weather about it( you probably know) .

  10. I loved the walk with your kids. Your daughter is clearly a mini-you. It was a nice little video. What kind of camera? The quality of the recording was pretty good. I’d suggest you get a stabilizer if you are going to do many more walking videos. Good idea for the walk.

  11. Hello from Canada! We got more snow here last night. Thank you for brightening up my cold morning with your walk….so beautiful!! šŸ˜Š
    You and your family are such a blessing. Thank you for sharing!

  12. Gosh, your children are growing so quickly! Thanks for sharing. Stay safe, well, and happy!

  13. Loved the walk with the kids – & Virginia looks lovely. Thanks so much for continuing to entertain us.

  14. Oh! I loved this walk with all of you! From the crunching of the steps and birds to the beautiful views! I agree with others, here that your children are getting big and are just so cute! Beautiful area!
    Now I know why you moved …Although I still miss you on Dr Pol,

  15. What beautiful country side you live in. I’m sitting on my deck with birds chirping, donkeys braying and squirrels running while watching your beautiful walk. Thanks for sharing. Reminds me of Halloween when my sister’s kids were young and we would get half way from the house and they would all say my legs hurt will you carry me and of course, Aunt Kat would hang one off both sides of me.

  16. Enjoyed the beautiful walk, so happy you live where you can enjoy the outdoors more! Next time maybe the children can video you!

  17. Cute kids; theyā€™re getting so big. Iā€™m jealous of the scenery and neighborhood.

  18. India looks like Emily. Oscar is a mix of Emily and Tony. Calvin looks like Tony.

  19. Thank you for letting me go on a walk with you…itā€™s the most exercise Iā€™ve had in a month, Iā€™m winded! Bless you all!!

  20. Hallo from Holland! Very nice video such a beatyfull area..love your kids!
    Had to smile all the time..
    Miss you and Tony at Poll Vet..but so glad to see you and your family in a warmer state than Michigan.
    Stay safe!
    Lots of love Danielle.

  21. What a nice relaxing foray into the woods in sunny Virginia. I was struck by how many more steps Calvin was taking than you (from the frequency of his footsteps). I bet he took a long nap after lunch! It’s amazing how connected to you and your family you made us all feel . Thanks for including us! Blessings to you.

  22. HELLO Dr. Emily !!! I Love you on the Show and am So glad that you are continuing to share yourself with the World.. I live in Virginia and was surprised and excited to hear that y’all had moved here….I don’t think I could have lived in the COLD and rain where y’all were for the show… I haven’t finished watching ALL of your Vlogs –I just realized that you and Dr. Brenda had left the show….GOOD luck to you and your Family in Virginia…I think you will LOVE it <3 I sent you a SURPRISE to the Vet's Office –didn't know which one you are at..Hope it gets to you ! Stay Safe and keep sharing with us !!

  23. We loved watching the walk !!! my (almost3yr old) granddaughter and I watched it on my iPhone in the car while her momma shopped inside the store for groceries. Addie piped up ā€œ I wanna walk with dose kidsā€ – and watched with rapt attention-it was precious! Thank you ā˜ŗļø Gorgeous countryside.

  24. Just finished the walk with you and the kids.. such a beautiful place.. and the blossoms are amazing. I live in New Brunswick Canada and we had snow 2 nights ago, so spring is a ways off yet…thanks so much for sharing your adventure with us…. take care and Happy Easter…..

  25. Married now 30 years I still remember the day I met my still wife as we age itā€™s more now how can I make her happy what will ease her day as far as crushes please if you ever take advice take this …. I ONCE went to far on a crush poor excuse but was losing myself at 43 and cheated not as far as sex but far enough still feel like a heal a jerk off etc it was a lot of factors I had my body shop for 20 and got real hurt bringing me to find that everything I worked for I had to sell the mt retreat the company etc pay the taxes just a mess boozing and other bad things she tended me for 10 years only bringing it up once a year to vent as well as call me some real creative names which always followed a good dinner out lol weā€™re all human so thinking just fine but leave it there the later years are like starting over or in a different way till the kids re appear oldest is 25 said just a few days he still here one year later

  26. Sorry couldnā€™t reply on that post , ps take pics as many as you can I miss them days the kids that is .

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