Crazy Vet Scenarios 2 Vlog

Dr. Emily has a new vlog out talking about some more crazy vet scenarios. If you like the video, let us know and let your friends know about it. Hope you enjoy, and, as always, thanks for watching

28 Replies to “Crazy Vet Scenarios 2 Vlog”

  1. Sad and funny at the same time. Thanks for posting your vlog and blog.I really enjoyed the walk the other day.

  2. I really enjoy your straight forward humorous way of making your point. Generally, what you’re saying is plain common sense. You know the most uncommon kind of sense. :o)

  3. Are people that ignorant, really?? Lolololololol. I think I have heard everything now!!! Lololol Oh, MY GOSH!! I wish you were my vet. You’re so funny!! Love the vlog!! Your daughter is hysterical?? She had my hubby and I cracking up!! Both kids are adorable!! You guys make beautiful kids!! Thanks for sharing them with us!! I know you usually write about your lives but maybe, just maybe you could answer two questions. 1) Why dogs eat poop? 2) Why when they find something dead and rotting, Why do they roll in it??? I have read that dogs find a really interesting smell (poop or something dead) and get excited to share it. So they roll in it and bring it home so we can be excited. Although we are not excited at all. I have also heard that dogs do this to mask their scent. But frankly, it’s pretty disgusting. When mine go outside and find something like this, it’s bath time!! But it’s rare, thank GOD in Heaven!! Please tell us. Which is it and exactly why do they do it?? It’s really gross when your dog comes up to give you a kiss and it has “poopy breath”. Yuck!! I much prefer puppy or dog breath, it smells much better!! But, love you guys. You both are awesome!! The kids are funny!! Keep up the great work!!

    1. We’ve done a Q&A video in the past. Hopefully we’ll do another one and answer your question. thanks for writing!! =)

      1. That would really be nice since I missed the first one completely. Thanks for reading..Stay safe.

      2. I received a response supposedly to me. It wasn’t to me though. It was someone elses comment on the bottom of mine. I know you’re busy…

    2. Dr Emily- you are one of my favorite vets.. I miss seeing you with Dr. Pol.. the kids are growing up so fast.. hope your new vet office is good to you.. take care during this lock down time 😊💕🌸

      1. I received a response supposedly to me. It wasn’t to me though. It was someone elses comment on the bottom of mine. I know you’re busy…

  4. How come the guy with the kangaroo 🦘 didn’t have a goatee like he did in the first few skits. 🥴🐎🤠

  5. Dr. Pol was great but “Dr. Emily with Family” is even better. Enjoying the family atmosphere and familiarity at this time of social distancing. It is like having a visit from your family. Wish you had visited Brentwood ,TN before Virginia, you would have loved it here and I might see you in grocery. (81.. and no pets anymore).

  6. You and India, side by side, and the age difference, amazing how y’all look like twins.

  7. I love continuing to see you on vlogs – it makes losing you from Dr Pol so much easier. Your kid s are adorable. Keep up your posting – they fill a valuable role in this lockdown.

  8. Like I said before you missed your calling as a comedian duo. Love the scenarios but I loved your kids and their stuffed animals even more. Thanks.

  9. Hi, Dr. Emily. I’ve enjoyed your vlogs. Just wondering if there any pet ‘myths’ out there that you might want to debunk. For instance, when my babies were little my mother-in-law warned me not to have a cat in the house because it would climb into the crib and suck the baby’s breath away.

  10. Been binge watching Dr Pol and I’ve noticed on farm calls quite a few would not have their animals. I know there are exceptions, downed, no precise time of arrival, etc but some just don’t seem to try and be ready. Does this happen as often as it seems?

      1. From the stories Emily as told me, the show is pretty accurate in showing how unprepared some some clients are- tony

  11. Loved this video. I miss seeing you on Dr. Pol’s show and am thrilled to be able to catch up on what you and your family are doing. Your kids are so cute!

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