Pet Myths Debunked

Here’s our newest vlog. This time Emily and I discuss some of the widely held animal myths that you have probably heard. Should you let a colicking horse lay down? Will a cat always land on it’s feet? Why do dogs eat and roll in rotten disgusting stuff (that one was fan submitted and inspired this video)? Dr. Emily and I discuss all of these and more.

Please leave other myths you would like us to discuss in the comments below, and, if you liked it, please share this video with your friends and family. We hope you enjoyed the video, and, as always, thanks for watching!

22 Replies to “Pet Myths Debunked”

  1. Enjoyed the video, even though I could not see Emily. Especially liked the info on antibiotics in meat, did not know that. Have a great Mothers Day!

  2. I love Emily’s demonstration of a horse doing a full body shake! Made me laugh! Had to watch it twice! Thanks again for what you guys do and Happy Mother’s Day to you, Emily!

  3. Hi guys from NW Ohio! Love your vlogs! I have a question (a bit disgusting though!)……We have a 10 year old very active black lab. The last couple of months, she has taken to going out to the yard, finding her dried up poop and eating it. Ughhhhh! She used to only do it when it was frozen in the winter, but now does it all the time. Is this because she is missing some nutrient in her diet or is she just being gross?? We feed her a very good dog food (senior chicken, egg and oatmeal) and plenty of treats, so I am sure she is not hungry. Thanks!! Happy Mother’s Day!

    1. Thank you so much for this vlog…it’s such fun to see the two of you interacting. I’m guessing that my cats would prefer to be “onlies” but they do tolerate their other cat siblings; except for one of them-one would think she was being accosted by Godzilla should any of the others go near her.

    2. To piggy back on Sheri, I caught my 18yo mare eating horse poop recently. (We have one other horse) She has free access to hay and is fed a ration balancer. I thought it was weird.

  4. Congrats on the move of your mom Dr Emily! Now I know where you are residing I can def say that Front Royal, VA is a beautiful area. We went past every time we were driving home to OH for a visit.

    Great VLOG! I have a ton of questions to ask.
    1) are fatty cysts ok to leave I when they are clearly growing? We were told that they noticed them while examining her and checked them out and that they were fat.

    2)what would make my dog all of a sudden stop eating the dog food that we’ve always fed her? She walks around the house looking for something to eat, she goes in the garage and heads straight for the recycle bins, and follows whoever has gotten food to eat. I know she’s hungry because she basically is only eating the 1/2 bag of dog burger that she gets with a 1/4-1/2 cup of her reg dog food for her dinner, she only eats the burger and again leaves the dry.

    These are the most important questions I have. So thank you!

  5. I’m very curious about the picture behind you. Looks like people wrote around it . Happy Mother’s Day ! Love you two.

  6. Thoroughly enjoy your vlog and for this myth busting info! Keep them coming! It’s good to keep up with you and your family! Happy Mother’s Day!!!

  7. I really enjoyed this myth busting video. I learned a few things I didn’t know and knew more than I thought I would. Please do more of these in the future. I like all of your vlog’s, but the educational ones are my favorite. Well done!

    Thank you both for continuing to enlighten and entertain us.

  8. Ok i have 2 questions/comments. 1.they say that when a dog eats poo, it’s missing something in his/her diet, BUT, I have kind of heard/learned something different? In every single breed of hunting dog that I have owned, they were the only ones who have ever did this and nothing was ever wrong with their diet. Would it be due to a hunting thing?? Or no? None of my other breeds have ever done something so gross lol 😂 next 2. My Golden Retriever has epilepsy and he has grande maul seizures(this is on the topic of their temperature’s) obviously he has the seizures when his temp goes above a certain number, when he is having one, we were told to put ice packs on his head/neck to bring down the fever. You can actually feel the heat coming from his head as if you were feeling a humans forehead. So while I knew the difference between wet/dry nose, is it possible to kind of feel my dog’s head to just try and get ready for a seizure in his case?? So that maybe I could at least prevent a big one by putting some ice packs on him?? Thank you

  9. When I was young our cat would have kittens and all of a sudden we would find heads to the kittens in the driveway. I was told that Tom cats will eat kittens if they are boy cats. Is that true?

  10. Very much enjoy your vlogs where you educate us!
    I have a general question – I noticed in many of your episodes where you were working on a cow, the other cows often crowded around and watched intently, almost like they were concerned. Is this an actual trait of cows – curious and/or concerned about a cow in distress?

  11. Loved the video!! Thank you for answering the myths of why do dogs.. Very informative!! You two are absolutely darling together. It’s nice two see two sweet people having a bit of fun. We really get a kick out of you two! Keep up the excellent videos! And thanks again!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!! Take great care

  12. I’d love to get your take on the connection between cats, grass and vomit. I’ve heard some say there is no connection at all, cats like to eat grass and throw up when they have hairballs, but the vomit isn’t because of the grass. I’ve heard others say cats eat grass because it makes them vomit when they need to. What’s your view?

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