5 Replies to “Pet Parents be Like 2”

  1. Yeah that’s me now. 6 no old jackapoo. Driving me crazy chewing up everything when his bully stick runs out. Barely listens. At least he stop chewing me. Monday he’s getting fixed. I hope that helps. Had a dog every day of my life but not a sociopath

  2. ❤ 🐩 WELL, TY4 Laugh first thing on Sat! IDK Where you get these ideas or analogies but they’re brilliant & spot on! TY Again, LY & too funny! Have GRT Day!

  3. I cannot even imagine the myriad of situations you have to try to navigate while being a veterinarian. From what I saw of you on Dr. Pol, you are an amazing woman who loves her family while also being a smart, funny and incredibly hard working veterinarian. I wish you and your family all good things in the future!!! I also love your “This Little Light” posts.
    Janice Wolfe

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