Dream Journal 10/2/2020

So, I was complaining to my doctor that I have not been sleeping well as I have been having crazy vivid frustration dreams every night so he suggested I try going without alcohol as it can mess with sleep cycles and REM. Now, I will report to you on my dreams based on last night’s habits. Keep in mind that dreams are convoluted and sometimes have segue that don’t make sense

10/1/2020: No alcohol 3 nights in a row now, went to bed having not eaten in 2.5 hours, took some melatonin and 25mg benadryl

Dream: It started with some group releasing a monster from a labyrinth type trap. The gates were opened on both ends and then me and a small group of people had to flee as fast as we could before he got out. The monster was pure evil and would immediately cause the death of anything that came into his view. He could also sway anyone to do his bidding and work for him. There was another beast that was released at the same time – both were human-like but were at least twice the height of a normal human.

My group picked up and traveled with the second creature who was a very wise, all-knowing woman who we thought was also all powerful, but when we stopped at a flea market type place to buy some goods and food, we saw the two creatures talking over the tent (as they were very tall) and I knew that the evil creature was brainwashing our seemingly all powerful leader. I never saw the monster’s face, but he was wearing an open coat that was a rust orange with intricate gold embroidery and was therefore easy to spot. I had to stop the encounter before he completely had her in his trance. I ran quickly behind her so he wouldn’t see me and smacked her really hard and then continued to run – because if he even noticed you, he could have you dead. At one point he was questioning a man who decided to be smug and a smartass and the monster took a whip out and slashed once – completely removing the man’s face and front of his neck and causing his entire body to turn to lava. I remember the guy saying “ouch” and thinking “how can he say anything without a face/neck?”

We ran and jumped onto the roof of a stadium to hide and thankfully our leader came too. We then learned that we were traveling with a young girl who was the monster’s daughter and he was dead set on killing her. He found us on the roof and we fired some special water guns at him and ran. He had brainwashed numerous people to help him find us. One of our group ended up dying, but then she was able to come back and help the girl better as a ghost because the monster could not perceive her. She showed the girl a secret passageway through the house we were in and then, when the monster was in the house, we escaped by jumping out of a third story window onto a trampoline. The ghost girl somehow embraced the girl and silenced the fall.

We then ran to where we thought we would be safe – it was the house of a witch type lady, but she wasn’t a witch in the dream, just spiritual and holding power. We hid out in her place, thinking she could shield us from the monster, but his people found us and raided the house. The “witch” was able to use her power to get the men to aim their guns at each other to prevent them from firing. They merely burned each other with the laser guides.

Something happened here, I can’t remember, I want to say we got away, but had the feeling we would always be running until he found us.

Next, we were at an outdoor party/event that was ending and people were picking center pieces to take home with them. I was delighted to see that the flower bowl I was taking had some live fish in it. The bowl was a flimsy plastic and the water kept sloshing out and I was struggling to keep the fish in the bowl. Some sloshed out and I tried my best to put them back in the bowl. When I got in the car and was buckling up, trying to balance the flimsy bowl, I noticed that I also had a live baby that was used in the center piece. I had mixed thoughts about this. One: I thought it unfair that now I am responsible for another human being just because I picked up a centerpiece. And two: why on earth were babies used as decorations and what if a centerpiece wasn’t taken home, would they just throw the babies away?! I was horrified and made sure to buckle the baby in with me.

When I got home, I went to put the fish away and realized that I had other fish that I had completely forgotten about and had almost no water in their tanks and were all about to die. I frantically filled their tanks and fed them, wondering how I could forget that I had all these fish and thankful they were still alive. As I went around refilling tanks, feeding, and trying to find a spot to put the new fish, I just kept discovering more tanks full of fish that I had forgotten about. Some were busy eating the other fish in the tanks as they were all starving. I tried to move the ones eating others around to different tanks, but kept discovering more larger fish. At one point, I even found a huge red striped snapping turtle who was super angry and I was feeding it horse poop.

That was all I remember. So, I woke up tired. Still so very tired.

57 Replies to “Dream Journal 10/2/2020”

  1. Did you have these dreams when you worked with large animals? If so maybe you are really afraid of them? If not maybe you want to go back to them. The sound very creepy either way.

  2. It sounds like your days are very hectic and they never seem to end. Running can be a sign of unfinished business. Try taking a warm shower before bed, allowing your body temperature to fall during your sleep cycle…… if that doesn’t work “ GO BACK TO DRINKING BEFORE BED TIME” lol hahahaha

  3. Your dreams are totally related to the craziness that is going on in the world. Good and evil battling it out. Being fed s@#t and worrying about your children getting all that they need. Made perfect sense to me! Try meditation before bed! Good luck!

  4. Hope your dreams are temporary. For 10 years now I’ve been taking heart medicine. Nightmares every night since then…. the doctors don’t care. But I’ve been alive now with stage 3 CHF for ten years thanks to the Vanderbilt heart doctors !!

  5. So sorry for your disturbed sleep and crazy dreams. I’m no expert but I’m pretty sure that’s all your daily stress coming out while you sleep. Maybe see if you can talk to your doctor. Sleeping pills might help or they might just make you unable to wake up from a scary dream. Good luck. Please seek help from a specialist.

  6. Hmmm…. I think the most interesting thing is the amount of detail that you were able to remember. Mine fade too fast for me to even write them down.

  7. Feeding horse poop to the turtle made me laugh. 🙂
    I often (pretty close to always) have lucid dreams at full moon and at new moons. It’s almost to be expected. And even if they were great and wonderful dreams, I am tired for the rest of the day. I think when you dream a lot, you aren’t getting the deep sleep you need, but I may be wrong.
    I also dream about finding a bunch of pets (sometimes plants, Lol) that are in need and I have somehow “forgotten” them, and I need to take care of them all, and I find more and more and more. I think it has something to do with perceived responsibilities.

  8. Hmmm. Sounds like a archetypical Freudian Id vs Ego conflict with some Jungian overtones and a touch Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey.
    Or maybe you should just be drinking a better class of brandy. 😉

  9. Try directing your dreams before sleep — who you would like to visit or places you’d like to go — works for me when I have several nights of sleep but not rest. It feels so good to spend time with my mom and dad, or my brother, or those still here but that I don’t see very often.
    Current events are disturbing the sleep of many — strange times for all of us. And then there’s this (I changed to us so it would be for everyone):

    The Light of God surrounds us.
    The Love of God enfolds us.
    The power of God protects us.
    The Presence of God watches over us.

    The Mind of God guides us.
    The Life of God flows through us.
    The Laws of God direct us.
    The Peace of God abides within us.

    The Joy of God uplifts us.
    The Strength of God renews us.
    The Beauty of God inspires us.
    Wherever we are, God is!
    All is well. Amen.

    I wish you peace and sweet dreams . . .

  10. Sounds lie you might need a vacation. A real one, even for a weekend or longer if possible. Ship the kids off to Grandparents and maybe take Tony. Also, go back to drinking the dreams couldn’t get much worse right? Love ya’.

  11. I too have vivid dreams, since childhood. They never make much sense, and sometimes I get “stuck” in them and can oversleep by several hours. (Alarm will wake me, but left to my own devices on the weekend I am zzzzzz) I don’t drink or take any scripts, I always assumed I’m just weird. They don’t happen enough for them to be life-altering, but they do make for some funny stories.

  12. I forgot to mention, both melatonin and benadryl have ramped up my vivid dreams along with unisom and most other OTC sleep aids. I’m not sure if that’s the case for you, but might be something to think about.

  13. I have dreams also that I talk to my cousensler about and also keep in a journal my dreams are much worst and always bring up the past. I find that drinking does help my psych gives me meds for ptsd.
    My thoughts are alot worst and don’t want to share with the community but I would privately.

  14. Wow, so, okay, two quick comments:

    1) I hope your blog is copyrighted because this would make a great video game.

    2) Go back to drinking…

  15. Well those are weird dreams.The first one is a kind of warning:The world is not going to be a better place.The second one means something good.You found a baby,a child and nobody apparently claimed it to be his or hers.So it is yours.It means new nice things will happen in your life.
    But say a prayer and ask Jesus to grand you sleep,because you need your sleep.

  16. I can’t interpret dreams, but I experience vivid and stressful ones when I take melatonin. I bought some decaf Yorkshire tea called Bedtime, and whether it’s a placebo effect or not, it truly helps me sleep better. You can order it off Amazon or http://www.yorkshiretea.co.uk

  17. I see you take melatonin. I have taken this on 4 separate occasions. I have the most vivid, hallucinogenic dreams ever. I can not take this stuff. Might be the problem. Not alcohol.

  18. I’m not in the position to analyze your dreams but there are specialist who can. If the dreams are really bothering you this much I suggest you reaching out to someone who can professionally help you with this . There is a reason it’s happening . I wish you well and hope this is resolved for you. BEST WISHES

  19. Vivid dreaming is the mind flushing out all the garbage. May not even have to do with the present. People who have vivid, discombobulated, and wild dreams are usually intelligent and creative. They are also hyper-sensitive to people and their environment…………………
    ……ot they are just deeply disturbed. I’m betting on the first.

  20. Maybe you would benefit from a horse. Skip the melatonin and alcohol. Have more sex. The worries of raising children and working today would give me nightmares. Confide in someone. Do not give up. You are doing a wonderful job..

  21. Maybe you would benefit from a horse. Skip the melatonin and alcohol. Have more sex. The worries of raising children and working today would give me nightmares. Confide in someone. Do not give up. You are doing a wonderful job..

  22. Melatonin can cause vivid dreams like that. I used to take it but stopped for just that reason. It does sound like a good movie idea, though, if it wasn’t so exhausting. Good luck figuring it out.

  23. Wow, sounds like my kind of dreams/nightmares. It also is very familiar to real life 2020 😫

  24. I have been diagnosed with sleep apnea and use a CPAP machine. I tried melatonin and benedryl . I was told by my sleep specialist that benedryl has been linked to dementia……I’ve stopped taking both…..with a small amount of sleep improvement….have you been tested for sleep apnea?

  25. I would be very tired too!!! I hope you are able to quiet your mind enough to get some restful sleep soon!!

  26. Wow, no wonder you wake up tired! I was having trouble sleeping and tried melatonin. I had to quit taking it because my dreams became horrible. They were very, very vivid, crazy and scary. I have found reading a book that isn’t wild or crazy before sleeping and also not eating before sleeping has been very helpful. Take care of yourself!

  27. I also have vivid dreams that i wish i could write a book about it. You remember far more than i do. Yes,i also take melatonin and benedryl to sleep.

  28. The entire world is now enduring great stress. The more understanding you REALLY know of world events as well as biblical end time events you should be able to understand your dreams.
    My belief is all governments are governed and controlled by you know who. Also the WORD says such as well, that his kingdom is NO part of this world. Also that faith is a gift. also as well that all fears and worries are to be placed in his hands . Not so easy being human, I thank God I am for not all are anymore.)))))

  29. Wow….just …wow.. Maybe you could sell the script. It would make one heck of a horror movie. Makes Nightmare on Elm Street look tame.

  30. From 5years old, I lived in a very abusive home downloading my stepfather who beat and raped me but my mother who was extremely abusive to me because I was her first born child and she didn’t want me but she needed me to take care of her other children who are younger than me so from 5 years old on I took care of babies and clean house and wash dishes and did clothes and cook and got beat every time I did it wrong short story.
    for years I had the most disturbing mixed-up dreams that I could ever describe.
    I went to counseling for years that helped. The dreams continued through my 40s, now I am 70 years old. So I can tell you from the time I was 45 until now I found that a nice warm bath or shower before bed and my prayers to God and giving all my worries to God help me tremendously not to have nightmares anymore. So whatever your higher power, whether you meditate or pray or read a good book something to put you at peace before you go to sleep at night will help you not have those chaotic nightmares.
    Not a doctor but these are things I have learned throughout my lifetime. Good luck to you
    and God bless

  31. Whoa! That’s one super heck of a weird dream! Our subconsciouses (is that even a word?) like to mess with us big time when we’re asleep. I could suggest you’re dream is a reflection of the current state of affairs, but instead, I’ll say, maybe a glass of wine in the evening actually isn’t so bad, and strange dreams filled with monsters and baby centerpieces just happen sometimes. From one Mum to another, try not to read too much into it. Hugs

  32. My impression is that you are feeling threatened and overwhelmed on top of your personal traits of needing to help, save, and fix things.. What are you watching on TV, movies, etc. Anything going on at work? It’s incredible that you can remember so much…definitely a nightmare! I’m so sorry, and I hope this resolves

  33. I have read that when we dream we really do experience these things in the astral plane AKA 4D. It sounds like you’re having a lot of fun and winning the battle. It’s not even a nightmare, more like an Indiana Jones Adventure. I say just enjoy and learn and maybe write a book

  34. Can you do an evening dog walk and dump the days challenges with the poop? Discontinue the diphenhydramine and try more melatonin and a small amount of Vitamin B6 . And don’t do video games and scary movies with the kids.

  35. Drop the melatonin and Benadryl and apply to the walking dead as a writer’s position ✌️😋

  36. So sorry you are not getting the rest/sleep you need. Kind of creepy dreams. were the dreams worse when you drank some? if not, have a drink?????

  37. Emily, I strongly suggest stop taking the drugs. I had one child that I got up with every night for 8 years, for various reasons. When he finally outgrow all the issues, I had to teach myself to sleep again. I used a sleep mask and ear plugs for a while. Now, I only need the mask on occasion, and I never use the ear plugs anymore. It was just to give my mind permission to let go for the 6- 8 hours stretch, until the habit was reestablished. You are always ‘on’ and you need to give yourself permission to turn off. Also, for me, I had to tell myself it was my husband’s turn to be on all night and keep us safe. It’s like everything else, he probably won’t do it like me, but I have to let go and let him. Do something just for yourself when you can, and establish a bedtime routine just like you did for your kids. I will pray for you, specifically for SLEEP! God bless you and your family.

  38. Whatever types of tv/movie/books are you viewing or reading? Melatonin is a NO and so is benadryl! You no longer are on ‘call’, you live a beautiful area, think of the relief of so much more free time to enjoy life; get a guinea pig or two? You are young, but so was I when I developed sleep issues after our newborn’s first vaccine INJURY she did not sleep until she was well over three. Finally a caring doctor gave me a script for soma and I slept so very well, but gained weight. So then was prescribed ambien, yes it works and no dreams or nightmares. I am much older now and take 1/2 zolpidem nightly. I do not watch ANY ‘action drama’, or creepy programing of demons and zombies. Allow yourself to be less stimulated and last, try not to think about am I going to sleep or fight nightmares. A scripture hangs on my bedroom wall, ‘by day the Lord directs my steps; at night His song is with me..’ now make that your last thought. Blessings!

  39. My stars, woman! I think you should go back to drinking a little wine and having something to eat, a light snack perhaps. Your dream made me tired! Also, just a side note, that’s a pretty full dream – maybe you should write your dreams down and start a book!! I’ve always had insomnia so I sympathize with you a bit. Good luck! But yeah, go back on the wine.

  40. Are your children the monsters? And/or the fish? Or, are the monsters your past experience with TV and the fish your fans whom you have to feed??? I don’t know, lol. I loved seeing you on Dr Pol this weekend. Dreams are open to much interpretation. I wish I could remember mine as vividly as you do yours.

  41. My first “quick take” is that you are living with normal stresses and that you know this. Since dreams are mind games played with eyes closed, the way to control them is to clear your mind before trying to sleep. Drugs do not do this they only mask problems. Being thrown into family life, and those problems, overloads the mind with “monster sized problems”.

    As in your dream, you were in a group running from the monster. That is you admitting this is not your problem alone but normal. To see that you know what happens is just life should tell you to not be worried. All of your running accomplished nothing. Stand still. The most that may happen is the monster eats you. LOL!

    To help slow, if not stop, dreams it is best to clear the mind before trying to sleep. I use to wake in the night and solve problems I had at work or with the kids. I stopped taking dreams as problems and enjoyed them as my interpretation of the day. I also forced myself to insert peaceful, happy and non-stressing thoughts before trying to sleep.

    Dreams are unsolved mental problems and I made myself clear the mind before trying to rest. As Wife says: “empty headed old man”. It took a lot of practice and effort to become so hollow between the ears.

    But I might be wrong and you are going crazy as a bedbug.

  42. Oh my! Melatonin gives me crazy dreams, and makes me hung over tired for most of the morning! I do much better with diphenhydramine! I know I’m stressing with the Covid, I live in Wisconsin, and work in school! The best thing I EVER Did for myself, was to learn to allow myself 30 minutes a day, and meditate! Days are hectic when you give all to work and family, and not yourself. I had anxiety really bad, and the doctor kept telling me to do it however, I thought it was mumbo jumbo! I finally took his advice, and practiced it daily, it took about 3 weeks for me, then I really got into it…it’s amazing how fabulous you feel, and how much lighter the stress/tension became! It improves your sleep 10 fold! To this day, I still practice meditation almost daily, no more anxiety either! Best of luck to you Emily!

  43. OMG Emily, I have had almost the very same dreams but ONLY when I take Benadryl to sleep❗️ I’d go back to the booze if I were you! It’s not sooo bad. At least they weren’t about Donald Trump‼️

  44. I agree with others that Melatonin can cause wonky dreams. You might try an herbal tea that has valerian in it, that sometimes helped me. But I finally had to see a sleep doctor to get prescription medicine. Writing down your dreams is a good idea. You can see patterns that might not be clear in wake time.

  45. try a cup of hot milk and read a chapter of Psalms.
    Play some hymns or read some out loud.
    Sounds like you are being tormented like when you prayed to die.

  46. I frequently have the forgotten pets dream…makes me feel horrible. I have always had quite the zoo to care for, so I guess it is a warning for me to keep a close eye on everyone. Which is easier now that I am unemployed / retired.
    I hope your dreams are happier soon !

  47. I think the pure evil creature and the story itself was a cross between my mother-in-law and an Eagles song. Sorry if I offended the Eagles. 🙄😬

  48. Get a dreamcatcher .. hang it above the headboard of your bed.. sure worked for me even though I didn’t believe it would , just trusted what the indians said and figured I had nothing to lose.. they are so pretty anyways LOL it is worth a try

  49. Emily, with dreams like that, you should write children’s fiction. My husband also has vivid, chronic nightmares, regularly, but he can never remember anything of them when he wakes up. What are these dreams like with alcohol?

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