22 Replies to “My new vlog about how horses be…”

  1. Love the water dribbling out of the mouth!! For sure! You two are hilarious! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Tony is a good sport. I have never had a horse, but I bet they act exactly like this. Funny.

  3. Funny, thank you for bringing laughter to my life………………… just wondering do you have fish in the kiddy pool thats on your deck?

  4. Haven’t had a horse in 50 years. My last one was a spoiled city girl moved to the country and everything spooked her, so excellent representation.

  5. I was totally going to suggest a horse related video after I saw the cat video. You nailed it! 😂😂

    1. For your next video, how about one with different dog breeds and what tends to get them into trouble? Great work, keep them coming!

  6. LOL. Now if she could have just…. um… passed some gas while he had ahold of her foot it would have been exactly like my horse (hind feet, of course). 🙂

  7. You sure nailed horses. I recognized all the behaviors; except the part where they step on your foot. I’ve often thought there is a race between horses and cows to see who can be the dumbest. Pigs have it all over both of them.

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