34 Replies to “New vlog! “Cats be like..””

  1. Thank you Doc Emily,I laughed so much.I have had cats all my life,yep they are exactly as the family acted.
    Love from the Netherlands

  2. Love the blog, but you need to get back with Dr. Pol. is new hires are not much! We need t=your happy face and witty personality. Besides you are so good with the large animals. Please go back.

  3. That was hilarious. What a good job and it looked like you all were having such a good time. Keep it up!

  4. Thanks for the amusing video. It’s always good to see you, as a family, interact – even if you’re mostly all cats!

  5. Oh my gosh ! That was so funny and true ! Thanks for the laughs . You guys always brighten my day.

  6. I watched this with my older male cat and he didn’t seem impressed. He walked away and stood by his 3/4 full food bowl and started meowing for food. So I picked him up and put him outside. Now he’s staring through the window. Personally, I loved it! Is Tony that patience in real life.

  7. Really cute and very accurate! A friend of mine has a cat that always wants to go out but once she opens the door, it stays inside…once outside however all it wants to do is come back in!!!

  8. Great video.. thanks so much. you made my day….with the way things are these days, we all need a chuckle once in a while…

  9. We have three cats who also live at our house. We NEVER say we own them. We know better. I would like to add another wonderful thing the little buggers do. When I go downstairs in the morning and their bowl is empty they are going crazy trying to get me to notice what THEIR problem is. When I finally figure it out and fill their bowl they immediately walk away with their nose in the air as if they really had no interest in being fed.

    1. BTW, glad you are posting again. We missed you and your family. I hope you are saving all your products. Have you spoken to a publisher? Don’t forget down the road some heavy duty tuitions may be coming do.

  10. As the owner of a cat yes thats exactly how they behave, thank you for the laughs today. …….your family is precious.

  11. That is so funny! I had tears in my eyes laughing. You all made that so great and fun. Thank you! We’re so stressed here in Ca with fire threatening to evacuate us, and something like this video helped me to breathe . ❤️

  12. I thought the first skit was a recreation of my entire 15 years so far with my cat Rex. He also likes to scratch to go in and out of my bedroom approximately 72 times per night. I just posted about my vivid dreams in the other thread, I think I found the reason…being woken up by cats! 😅

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