White privilege and one eye-opening event

I realize that I may lose some followers with this one, but I felt it needed to be said… for the 40 millionth time. This is not a political post, race relations spans all of humanity whether or not you believe we should tax the rich.

Image may contain: 4 people, including Emily K. Thomas and Tony Thomas, people sitting, child, outdoor and nature

First of all, I feel like people immediately get offended and on the defensive when “white privilege” is mentioned and it really shouldn’t be that way. It’s a term to simply ask you to stop, think with your heart, hear what people are saying, and try to see life through the eyes of a person of color. As white people, even though we don’t realize it most of the time, we are given certain privileges that others don’t see. We expect that if we enter a building, we will be treated courteously and not be followed by a security guard. We expect that if a police officer pulls us over and we are polite and courteous, that everything will go okay except maybe the ticket we take home. We even expect that when we do raise a little hell and talk back to the authority figures, that more than likely, we will not end up dead.

Let’s think of “white privilege” as like what royals or “A list” celebrities experience compared to what the average citizen might. A royal walks up to pretty much anywhere they want and security guards simply step aside and question nothing. However, at that same location, an average citizen would be IDed and have their bag inspected before entering.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, tree and outdoor
Some young 20 somethings being rowdy in a hotel parking lot Savannah, GA – never once thought about being shot at or having the police called on us – white privilege

I thought that I understood my privilege before and I was ashamed of it. But being ashamed does nothing, and in the wrong mindset, causes bitterness and resentment. I thought I understood until one day, I was scrolling through Facebook after a few recent stories about innocent black men being killed for things as innocent as simply going for a jog and saw a friend’s post. Let me tell you about Cherice, a black veterinarian. I barely know her. I joined a Facebook group that is for veterinarians who are mothers and is a place where we can talk about cases, ask for parenting advice, or just vent about rough times in our lives. A couple of years ago, I posted about the very hard time I was having working at the clinic I was at and expressed my feelings of frustration, severe depression, and of being trapped. She was one of the first members to privately message me and give me support and pour out her life story to let me know that I was not alone.

Later, we became Facebook friends and, eventually met at a Veterinary conference where we got to have a brief chat between lectures and got to hug each other – finally through all the help she’d extended to me. Cherice had NO IDEA who I was when she reached out to me, but gave me her heart and soul. So, when all this was coming out about Ahmaud Arbery, I saw a post from her on Facebook that made my heart sink and tears immediately well up in my eyes. She posted an adorable picture of her two little boys taking a bath, and wrote:

“At this point I have no idea how to keep my own sons alive. I imagine I’m supposed to feel “lucky” that they don’t look “that” brown. Maybe they will get a pass and someone won’t kill them. I don’t even know how to feel about even typing that”

Read it again.

I thought I understood what it meant that I have unwritten privileges that people of color (POC) do not. I thought I got it that when I send someone my resume or have an interview on the phone, I am lucky enough to not have to worry about if my name sounded white or if my accent sounded white enough. I thought I understood that my father was able to go from absolute dirt poor to second in command at the Robins Air Force base because of the opportunities and unspoken advantages available to him from his time of birth that allowed him to succeed and get into Georgia Tech (one of the first white colleges in the south to allow black people and not even until 1968 – that’s ONE generation, not 100s of years ago), and get the promotions he got. I thought I had pretty well educated myself by watching documentaries and shows on Netflix such as “Dear White People” – where the main character looks almost exactly like my niece (white/black blend).

Then, I read Cherice’s post, guys, and my guts. Hit. The. Floor. I have suffered from post partum anxiety where you are constantly in fear your child will be harmed or die to the point that I sought help. I cannot watch shows where a child or baby is in danger, even though I know it’s fiction. But, to read her post and think that of all the crazy scenarios I have pulled through my head, I have never thought what would happen when my babies grow up and someone sees them and immediately judges them as a criminal just by the way they look. I will likely never have to, but what if I did? What kind of pain it must be for POC to create the most beautiful sweet babies, the centers, the loves of their lives, and know that others will likely look at them like they are less than. Not only that, but have to worry that because of the way they look, people may even want to harm or kill them.

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, child and outdoor
Tony and I with our first little precious baby – not thinking about how the world will judge her.

This is white privilege. No one is asking white people to feel ashamed. We cannot help that we were born into privilege just as they cannot help they were born not white. What we can do, though is talk about it. Next time you are driving down the road or watching TV, try to note the ratio of white to black or POC you see when it comes to movies, shows, even simple billboards. Black people and POC have a stigma and none of it is being helped by the majority of the everyday people we see in the media being white. If we could surround ourselves by a normalcy of seeing POC doing everyday things that we can all relate to, maybe the idea of seeing a POC would not be so shocking.

When I moved to mid Michigan from the south, I had been there about 2-3 WEEKS before I saw a black person. I was so excited, I called Tony who was still trying to get all our stuff together in South Carolina. Despite the fact that I saw like one POC in the first 2-3 weeks I was there, and not many in between that time and when I left 5 years later, some people there were still racist. I wondered “how can you be racist when you don’t even see black people?” The only thing I can reason (because everything needs reason) is that these people only knew black people in the media. And what does mainstream media normally show black people as? That’s right. Nothing. There’s not even a normalcy for black people in the movies. It’s definitely getting better, but not much. So, for these people living in mid Michigan in their mostly white world, black people and POC are basically foreign to them, and anything foreign must not be trusted.

So, when you consider your white privilege, don’t get mad. Don’t be offended. Don’t immediately start swinging. Try to see the world through the eyes of the unpopular and try to think of anything you can do to help. Helping can be anything from purposefully hiring a POC (qualified, obviously – and so many are) to just looking deep inside yourself to make a change, then spreading that change to anyone who will listen. It’s 2020 and there’s still leaps and bounds of progress we can make.

I’m sorry if this post has somehow offended you. I mean literally zero ill will. I just want to help bridge people together. Sometimes it’s hard to think of yourself as needing to grow, I face it everyday in my own work as a vet. I’m never the best I can be, I can always be better. So can you. <3

No photo description available.
Sweet baby Oscar, watching kites and, I’m sure, reflecting on life

Thanks to my friend, Cherice for approving my use of her quote. I will keep you in my prayers and hope the world changes sooner rather than later.

Love, Emily

Vlog: The Down Low on Diarrhea

Diarrhea is one the most common issues we see at the vet clinic, and it is caused by a huge host of problems. Luckily Emily and Tony are here to break some of them down.

We hope you enjoyed the video, and, as always, thank you for watching!!

Popcorn and Toad

Dr. Emily is helping out a work friend by fostering two kittens that were found in her barn. And with kittens comes a ton of cuteness.

I hope you enjoy all the kitty cuteness =)

TT: The Hitchhiker

Emily, waiting patiently for me in South Carolina

A little back story: One of the things that I am most afraid of is being stuck on the side of the road. This fear goes so deep that I am a very nervous traveler and I grew to dread long trips in our old cars (it’s not so bad since we bought our Subaru). If the “check engine” light, or any of those warning lights, comes on, I have to actively fight against panicking. Because of this fear of mine, I have a lot of sympathy for anyone that is stuck on the side of the road. If I see a person walking on the road I feel compelled to stop and ask if they need help. I try to stop if I see a car broken down on the road to offer my help. I do all this because I know that if I were in that position I would be freaking out a little. I’ve helped push several cars down the street for a stranger, I’ve changed a few tires (and plugged one), and I’ve also picked up some hitchhikers that needed a ride. By “some,” I mean I’ve probably given 20 to 30 people a ride. Some times we were going the same way, some times they only needed to go a couple of miles in some direction. My second to longest drive with a hitchhiker was something like 30 minutes. Now, I do have personal rules with hitchhikers. I never give someone a ride when any family member is with me. If I’m riding with a friend, my friend has to agree before I even ask the person if they would like a ride. And, my last rule is no smoking in the car. I also would never want Emily to pick up a hitchhiker, it’s far too dangerous. =)

With all the people I’ve given a ride to, all of them were thankful, all of them only needed a little help to get a little farther down the road. They have all been courteous, respectful, and generally pleasant. We’ll talk and swap life stories, and, when we get to where they need to go, they’ve said “thank you” and I’ve left feeling like a did a good thing for my fellow man. This is true of all the hitchhikers I have picked up, all but one.

Emily saved Merlin’s life while we lived in South Carolina

Emily moved to South Carolina before I did. She moved there to start her first veterinarian position after having just completed her internship at UGA. I was still living in Athens, trying to pack up all our things and sell our house (still technically own that house). I was working at the vet school during the day, packing and cleaning at night, and I would take a truck load of boxes or furniture to our rented house in South Carolina every weekend. To get from one house to the other was about a three hour drive, and this was well before the time of GPS on our phones. GPS devices were totally a thing, but we didn’t have one. I had some printed off directions that I would follow. I held on to these printed directions like crazy for the first few trips, but by the third or fourth trip I thought I knew exactly how to get where I was going. I didn’t even bring the directions on the fateful “hitchhiker” trip to Newberry.

I had been driving for about an hour and a half. I was in a fairly large town in South Carolina when I lost my confidence in my mental map. I made a few hesitant turns down streets that looked right, but they weren’t. And I was lost. I pulled my truck into a parking lot and started to look for the printed out directions that I knew weren’t in the truck. I only looked for a minute or two until a nice person came up to me and asked if I needed help. How great! I told him I was lost and where I wanted to go. Luckily for me, he knew how to get there and it was, as he said, “In the same direction that I need to go.”

“Fantastic!” I said. “Hop in, I’ll give you a ride.” So, this nice man threw a heavy looking backpack into the truck bed and climbed aboard. He just needed to go down the road a few minutes, and it would put me on the path to Newberry. He started giving me directions, turn at the light and go down two blocks, that kind of thing and then I asked him where he needed to go. He said Greenville. That didn’t mean anything to me, I didn’t know where Greenville was in relation to where we were. We drove in a generally northern direction, which was odd because Newberry was basically east of Athens and I was pretty sure I wasn’t so lost as to be way south of where I needed to be. We started to leave the town, driving distinctly north now. Me and the hitchhiker were chatting, mostly sports stuff (sports are an easy icebreaker) and he seemed like a nice guy. And then I saw the road sign telling me how far Greenville was. Greenville was 50 miles north.

I told the guy that 50 miles was too far, I had to get to Newberry to see my wife. I told him that I would drop him off in the next town no problem, but I had to leave him there. I couldn’t drive two hours out of my way. He listened to me, he let me explain that I was sorry but I had to get to Newberry, I said Greenville was just too far; and then he pulled a knife out of his pocket. He never held it up to me, but he did hold it up so I could see it. It was a big knife. Bigger than I thought would comfortably fit in a pocket. (It might have looked bigger because of the threat it implied.) Then he said, “No, I think you can go all the way to Greenville.”

After he made it clear that Greenville was going to be our destination, he calmly put the knife on his lap and started trying to have conversations with me again. He talked about t.v. shows he liked, and other trivial topics. I tried to act cool, I tried to be comfortable in the situation, but it was so hard to stay calm and simply drive. We got to the south edge of Greenville and he had me pull into a fast food parking lot where a friend was waiting. I have no idea what I hauled in that backpack he had, but that is the only thing he took when we arrived. And, to his credit, he told me to get on I-385 to get back down to Newberry.

I know, how could anyone take advantage of that face

That was the only truly terrifying experience I’ve had while simply trying to help out another person. And I haven’t let it deter me from picking up hitchhikers. I know most people are good people. Even my one “bad” hitchhiker only showed me that he had a knife. It could have been so much worse. He didn’t rob me, he didn’t steal my stuff. He could have, but he only took a ride. I’m not blind to the problems of the world. I know that there are some people out there that would have robbed me or worse, but I truly think those people are few and far between that it is worth the risk for me to lend strangers a helping hand when I can.

Vlog: Quarantine Tadpole Experiment

While we’re all stuck at home, India decided she wanted to make a pond habitat to see what might grow. So she and Tony went down to our little creek and made one. Here’s a little video of our quarantine science experiment.

This is just one of the things we’ve been doing to help entertain and educate the kids while we’ve been under quarantine. What have you been up to? Tell us in the comments. I hope you enjoy the video, and share it with your friends. And, as always, thanks for watching!

Vlog: Ticks Baby

Hi, Dr. Emily and I made a vlog about ticks! What ticks are and how they find you, why they are so dangerous, and what to do if/when you find one. Emily wanted to start creating content that entertains and educates people about all sorts of animal care. I hope you enjoy our first installment

If you have any suggestions for topics you would like to see us cover, please leave it in the comments below. And, as always, thanks for watching =)

Pet Myths Debunked

Here’s our newest vlog. This time Emily and I discuss some of the widely held animal myths that you have probably heard. Should you let a colicking horse lay down? Will a cat always land on it’s feet? Why do dogs eat and roll in rotten disgusting stuff (that one was fan submitted and inspired this video)? Dr. Emily and I discuss all of these and more.

Please leave other myths you would like us to discuss in the comments below, and, if you liked it, please share this video with your friends and family. We hope you enjoyed the video, and, as always, thanks for watching!

Holiday Day – a lost tradition

When Tony and I were in college, we were living far from home (a whopping 2.5 hours from family) and we were talking about how holidays are difficult, trying to get time off and split between families and such. Then, we read a story about a family where the dad was being deployed over seas and so they celebrated all the holidays in one day. This sounded like a really good/fun idea. So, we got down to planning and came up with “Holiday Day” – celebrated on the Second Saturday in September. On this day, we decided to use all of the major (Christian bias) holidays and what they were best known for and mesh them all together in one, long, marathon day of eating, drinking, and general merriment.

So, this is how the day should go – feel free to add a signature drink with each:

1. Wake up to Christmas – everyone gets one gift to open, then you have breakfast of pancakes made with stocking-stuffer candy bits. Drink suggestions: coffee. Start with coffee. And water – you will need it.

2. Mid-morning: Easter egg hunt (adults too – we didn’t have kids when we celebrated) – split into two groups and have each hide the eggs for the other and see who can find all the eggs in the fastest time (save those numbers for later). Drink suggestions: mimosa, sangria

Easter egg hunt attire – of course. That’s a BB gun that barely shoots 10 feet before the BB rolls to a stop

3. Lunch: Thanksgiving – Believe me, you aren’t going to want a full meal – there is lots of eating all day. Have turkey sandwiches, some macaroni and cheese, or whatever small version of your typical Thanksgiving meal. Drink suggestions: wine, beer

Picture from year #2 when the littlest one joined us

4. Mid afternoon – Olympics (okay, not a holiday, but we were trying to get some events that did not revolve around eating). You can do individual Olympics, ie. party games, timed events, corn hole, etc (they don’t have to require athleticism), or you can split into teams if you have enough participants and do team sports: kickball, softball, volleyball, also non-ball sports that I’m sure are out there. Take the points from all competitions (including the Easter Egg Hunt) to figure out the winner. Drink suggestions: STOP. Hydrate – water, Gatorade, whatever. A day of high food and alcohol consumption without hydration will lead to a very non-holiday day on the second Sunday in September.

Olympic game of cookie face
The winners of the kickball game

5. Dinner: 4th of July (regionally specific) – grill out with hotdogs, hamburgers, or whatever you like to grill. You may get crazy and get some sparklers or something. Drink suggestions: beer – cheap beer that your drunk uncle would have brought for the 4th of July.

These guys came in second (there were only two teams)

6. Evening: Halloween: dress as a holiday not represented during the day, then go out on the town for recklessness and merriment. Enjoy all the very confused faces wondering why a group of people are walking around downtown in costume at the beginning of September. This worked really well in Athens, GA where you could find an eclectic mix of people, but we didn’t continue once we moved to much more conservative towns and were fearful of getting arrested…. or shot. Drink suggestions: whatever you want at the bars/pubs.

Lauren dressed as Arbor Day and Cason as Cinco de Mayo

7. Last one: Celebrate the end of “Holiday Day” the only way you can; New Year’s Eve and since the first year we did it, we forgot about it until after midnight, now the official New Year’s day for Holiday Day is 12:20am. At this time, the day is over and you may go home – but get a taxi or have a friend take you home. Drink suggestions: water, iced water, hot non-caffeinated tea (hydrate – it’s been a long day)

Pictured: Cason, as Olympic gold medalist, Rich (Tony’s dad) as silver, and me as bottle tops bronze.

So, our first official Holiday day was September (second Saturday) 2010. The tradition started off small, just Tony’s sister, Lauren and her husband, Cason, joined us. Lucky for us (not Lauren), she was pregnant at the time and so we had our designated driver. I promise that’s not why we invited them. We started the day with small gifts to each other, made pancakes stuffed with cut up snickers, reese’s cups, etc. We had the egg hunt, boys vs girls, then we made up games to play outside for the Olympics, little bit of dinner and then we headed out to Downtown Athens, GA in our costumes. I was St. Patrick’s day, Tony was boxing day, Lauren was Arbor day, and Cason was Cinco de Mayo. We got some weird looks, but weirdos were not uncommon in Athens, so we went along our way and laughed the whole time.

Me as St. Patrick’s day (I’m wearing a little green hat) and Tony as Boxing Day

The second annual Holiday Day was the next year, 2011. This time, we had gained somewhat of a following and Tony’s whole family came, including the littlest one that was with us on the first one, but hidden. We also had a friend from work (an anesthesia tech from the vet school). So, in just one year, we had more than doubled our attendance! We had the normal morning, everyone got one gift, then had a rather competitive Easter egg hunt (everything’s a lot more competitive with Tony’s mom) of girls vs boys.

Easter egg hunt among men. Year 2

The olympics was a lot of fun this time with so many people joining us. Tony’s sister, Lauren, came up with a ton of party games such as the one pictured where you have to move a cookie from your forehead to your mouth using only your face muscles. Then, we played team sports such as volleyball and kickball. Finally, after a day of eat, drink, and play, we went out on the town with those of age (and willing to go out in costume) and had another great Halloween celebration on the town… in September.

Tony as All Saints Day, me as Marti Gras

We got a lot of attention that year. Maybe because the first year, it was raining, and the second year it was the night after a UGA football game, so there were a lot of people out that night. We got a few cat calls, one person spewing his disdain for The Saints to Tony, who was clearly dressed as All Saints day, but we also got a lot of people interested in the concept and we all grew hoarse explaining the concept to all the people who asked and they all seemed very excited about the idea and promised (in their drunken stupor) to participate the next year.

Our friend, Sarah as “Talk like a Pirate Day

Unfortunately, that was the last Holiday Day that we have celebrated. We moved to the tiny town of Newberry, SC for my next job in September and were, honestly, afraid to be anything but straight collar for fear of being excommunicated. Then, the babies started rolling in (India born the next September), moved to Michigan, had more babies, etc. We are hoping to get it all started again. I’m not sure where we will celebrate Halloween in this town yet. Perhaps some breweries – they have really good ones!

And best costume goes to: Lauren as President’s Day and Cason as Oktoberfest!!

Vlog: Grandma Shark

Today was a great day, we caught a fish that was in our little creek. We played a lot inside and out. And we set up the birthday give Tony’s mom (Yaya) gave to Calvin for his birthday. We took a little video of it for everyone to enjoy. Oh, and it was about 70 degrees out when we started the water slide. Enjoy!!

Calvin fell asleep shortly after we played on this for about an hour =)